UFO and mysterious creatures

UFO captured by US military cameras is likely of extraterrestrial origin

A FAMED astronaut has said that the UFOs filmed by the US military over 100 times could be aliens.

Tim Peake, one of Britain’s famous astronauts, also said that the UFOs could be evidence of time travel.

During an interview with Good Morning Britain, Peake, who spent more than six months on the International Space Station, was asked about the videos, which The Pentagon declassified recently.

“I heard one theory where a pilot was talking about that potentially in the future, they’ve developed time travel – is it something that’s come back from the future?” Peake said.

While Peake didn’t have a solid answer, he shared some theories he had heard with the audience.

“I don’t think it’s a development of any state nation or non-state organization at all,” Peake told Good Morning Britain, as cited by Bristol Post. “I think it’s quite remarkable when you see the video footage. It does seem extraordinary as to what these machines are capable of.”

One video shows a small object speeding past a military pilot, while another shows triangles glowing in the sky.

As theories run wild on the internet, no US government official has given a specific explanation about the flying objects.

However, they have agreed that the way these objects move is hard to explain.

The mysterious flying objects, which the US Navy has filmed over 100 times, have led Congress to conduct a special hearing on UFOs or Unexplained Aerial Phenomena ( UAPs) as the US government calls them, for the first time in 50 years.

Fox News reported that government officials had asked military officials to explain these sightings, but no one knows what they were.

Scott Bray, a  Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence, told Congress that military officials haven’t tried communicating with the aerial vehicles.

Bray also emphasized that the limited amount of data and reporting has hindered efforts to make firm conclusions on what these mysterious objects are.

Government officials also noted that the stigma around reporting UFOs increases the national security threat these objects could impose.

“For too long, the stigma associated with UAPs has gotten in the way of good intelligence analysis,” Rep. Andre Carson said. “Pilots avoided reporting or were laughed at when they did. DOD officials relegated the issue to the back room or swept it under the rug, fearing a skeptical national security community.”

A redacted 2021 report showed that the US government recorded 144 reports from 2004 to 2021, The Black Vault reported.

No report from the government, either classified or declassified, rules out the possibility of aliens but also include other common explanations like “airborne clutter like birds and balloons, natural atmospheric phenomena, like ice crystals, highly classified U.S. government programs, or foreign adversary systems from Russia, China or other countries.” Fox News reported.

Nonetheless the Intelligence Committee, the group of lawmakers in charge of handling these issues, vow to discover the orgins of these UFOs.

“We know that our service members have encountered unidentified aerial phenomena, and because UAP pose potential flight safety and general security risk, we are committed to a focused effort to determine their origins,”  Ronald Moultrie. Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, said.

The committee held an open hearing about the UFOs in May, but a classified meeting occurred after.

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