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Strategic Railroad Explodes in Russian Buryatia

Russia World

In the Russian Republic of Buryatia, a series of explosions occurred on strategic railroad tracks.

Law enforcement agencies said that was a special operation of the Secret Services of Ukraine (SSU), although the SSU did not officially comment on the issue.

The Russian propaganda BAZA Telegram channel reported that an explosion in Russia on a section of the Baikal-Amur Mainline in Buryatia occurred on the night of November 30.

A freight train was blown up in the Severomuysky railroad tunnel on the Itykit-Okusikan stretch.

The train consisted of 50 wagons (41 railway cisterns with diesel fuel and 3 cisterns with jet fuel).

As a result of the explosion, 16 cisterns at the head of the train burned out, and another two had holes and fuel leakage.

It is stated that after the explosion, the railroad managed to remove 14 tankers, but further transportation of the cisterns is still impossible due to seriously damaged rails after the explosion. Some of the rails were flooded with fuel.

Sources in the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine told Ukrinform news agency that it was a successful SSU operation designed to paralyze the only significant railroad connection between Russia and China. This railroad is used, among other things, for military supplies.

Later, the Russians claimed that another freight train had been blown up in the area: four tankers burned out and two more were damaged by fire. According to preliminary data, the fuel spilled over an area of 150 square meters.

Sources in the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine also informed Ukrayinska Pravda that the detonation was the second stage of a special operation by the SSU to disable this important railroad.

The sources clarified that after the train was blown up in the tunnel, the Russians began to use a detour route through the Devil’s Bridge to maintain traffic. It was during the train’s passage over this 35-meter-high bridge that the explosive devices planted in it went off. It is worth noting that the Security Service of Ukraine has not officially commented on the explosions in Buryatia.

Russia stated that the cause of the explosions on the railroad was “sabotage” and that investigators from the aggressor country opened a criminal case under the article “terrorist act.”

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