UFO and mysterious creatures

Mysterious ‘bulging triangle UFO’ was spotted in the sky over Islamabad for two hours

Alien hunters were left stunned after a “bulging triangle UFO” was filmed lurking over a major city for two hours.

The unusual object was spotted prowling the skies of Islamabad, Pakistan, in broad daylight by an extraterrestrial enthusiast.

Gobsmacked Arslan Warraich says he spent a lengthy two hours watching the triangular shape hovering above the capital city.

The 33-year-old was mesmerized by the unusual object drifting over the city’s wealthy DHA 1 district — and the clip has now sent sky-watchers’ tongues wagging.

He recorded the UFO making the most of the clear airspace for over 12 minutes from different angles to acquire the best view.

The businessman, formerly of Birmingham, then shared the unbelievable sighting on the internet for other alien fanatics to enjoy.

Arslan explained: “I still don’t know what it was.

“I filmed it for over 12 minutes at different times, took dozens of pictures and observed it for the best part of two hours.

“To the naked eye it seemed like a black round rock but as I zoomed in, I could see it was roughly the shape of a triangle with a clear bulge on top towards the back.

“It was solid black and had no sharp edges. It wasn’t reflecting too much light and no lights were emanating from it.”

In the extraordinary footage, the mystifying object is seen hanging motionless over the hustle and bustle of the capital city below.

A fly and several birds then also crossed into the shot, showing the clear difference between the creatures and the distant UFO.

Arslan added: “I don’t know what it was, but I know what it wasn’t – it wasn’t a bird.

“I actually got birds in the clip while I was filming this thing. I fly drones myself so I know it wasn’t a commercial drone either.

“And it makes no sense for our military to be flying secret drones over a posh area of Islamabad where most of the army and government officers live.”

“Rare sighting”
After sharing the enthralling clip online, he sparked a frenzy amongst fellow UFO hunters who applauded the clarity of the sighting.

One admirer wrote: “The recording is extremely high quality.

“Not just for the technical achievement of such extended physical effort to track it for so long, but also for the extended verbal commentary and description of the event.

“Do you realise how rare a document like this is?”

Another viewer added: “This is how you capture a UFO!”

While a third conspiracy theorist suggested the interestingly shaped object was a perfect match for a sighting they’d had in New York.

They wrote: “It was just like this, not blinking lights, no nothing, just floating in the sky for about four minutes and then it went up until it was completely gone.”

Arslan stayed to appreciate the curious shape swirling in the skies were too dark to see it.

He brushed off skeptics comments, insisting regardless of what he saw, humans are not alone in the universe.

The 33-year-old continued: “With the number of stars and planets in the known universe, it is statistically impossible that we are the only intelligent beings in this universe.

“There must be civilizations which are millions or billions of years more advanced than us and then there must be others that are just starting out.

“Have they have visited Earth? I think we have to look at the evidence and go where it leads. There is certainly a possibility.”

It comes after alien hunters claimed NASA accidentally captured a flying saucer zooming above the Earth on an unearthed image from the Apollo 9 mission.

They suggested the picture showing the tiny black triangle lurking among the clouds was mistakenly shared by the space agency.


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