Boat Around the World

Arrow: The 246-Foot Superyacht – A Marvel of Craftsmanship and Luxury, Finds a Buyer in Record Time

The sale of the 246-foot superyacht, Arrow, is one of the largest yacht transactions this year. Within just 10 weeks on the market, the yacht, listed for €139.9 million (US$150.9 million), has found a buyer.

Arrow, delivered in 2020 by the Dutch shipyard Feadship, offers six cabins to accommodate up to 12 guests and 19 crew members, as stated in the listing by Andrew Bond of Fraser. With a size equivalent to three tennis courts, it provides a range of luxurious amenities for an exceptional experience at sea, including a beach club, cinema, and gym.

According to Bond, “In our market sector, every yacht is unique, but it must be said that some are more unique than others. Arrow offers an outstanding array of craftsmanship, intelligent, stylish yet functional design, advanced engineering, and technology that not only sets the yacht apart today but will do so for years to come.”

While the final sales price of Arrow remains undisclosed, assuming it sold close to its asking price, it may be the second-most expensive superyacht sale of the year, according to Boat International. The publication previously ranked the top yacht sales of 2023, with only one vessel, Ahpo (now Lady Jorgia), surpassing Arrow in size at 377 feet, built by German yacht builder Lürssen. Ahpo was listed for €330 million and sold in what is believed to be the largest brokerage deal in history.

Fraser declined to comment on the buyer and seller, but it was previously reported by the New York Post that Michael Platt, the London-based CEO of BlueCrest Capital Management, was selling the yacht. The exact amount Platt paid for the yacht remains unknown, and he has not responded to requests for comment.

Feadship collaborated with London-based studio H2 Yacht Design on the interior and exterior design of Arrow, as mentioned in the listing. The team possesses the “experience and insight to know what makes yachts and the yachting experience so unique and rewarding, not just for owners and guests but for the crew as well,” said Bond.

The main deck of Arrow features two cabins, including the owner’s suite with an office and dressing room, as well as a VIP stateroom. The lower deck houses four guest cabins.

Additional amenities on the yacht include a bar, sauna, massage room, dive store, and toy area in the beach club, along with a hot tub, sky lounge, outdoor dining area, elevator, and stunning 360-degree water views.

Moreover, Arrow utilizes hybrid technology, ensuring efficient energy usage with a reduced impact on the environment.

Hygger Aquarium Official Blog

Interesting Facts of Tropical Freshwater Fish

Featuring fascinating colors, shapes, and behaviors, freshwater tropical fish bring life and vibrancy to your aquariums. In this guide, let’s delve into some interesting facts about tropical freshwater fish.

Do tropical fish yearn for snow

Tropical fish are commonly found in warm waters, so it is unlikely that they have an innate yearning for snow. Also, specific physiological and behavioral adaptations enable tropical fish to survive and thrive in warm waters. They rely on stable warm temp to maintain metabolism, digestion, and overall health. If exposed to cold temp, they are going to face stress, weakened immune system, or even illness or death.

How to breed tropical fish in winter

Keeping tropical fish in winter can be challenging, because cold weather, causing water temperature fluctuation can be a threat to fish growth. In this segment, let’s learn some tips to breed tropical fish in winter.

Monitor water temperature

A stable and warm water temp is vital for tropical fish. Typically, the water temp should be kept in the range of 75-80℉(24-27℃). Hence, an aquarium heater and an aquarium thermometer may be necessary for tropical fish tanks in winter.

An aquarium heater helps to maintain stable water temp, while a thermometer can check real-time water temperature. But if your heater has a built-in thermometer, it is viable not to add a thermometer.

Insulate your aquarium

Insulating your aquarium is helpful to stabilize water temp and prevent heat loss, especially in case of power loss. You can place insulating material around the sides and back of the aquarium. For instance, foam and polystyrene sheets. But do not completely cover the top of your aquarium, allowing for gas exchange.

Avoid drafts and cold spots

Keep the aquarium away from windows, doors, or areas with drafts. Cold drafts can cause temperature fluctuations and stress the fish. Also, avoid placing the tank near heating vents or radiators, as the direct heat can be harmful.

Adjust lighting

Due to the shorter daylight hours in winter, adjustments to lighting hours would be required. Generally, you can keep the light on for around 10–12 hours per day. It helps to maintain a consistent light cycle for tropical fish.

Monitor water quality

Keeping great water quality is essential for the health of tropical fish. Typically, regularly test the water parameters, such as pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Moreover, routine water changes can remove waste and improve water agitation. Each time you change water, cold tap water should be avoided. You should warm the water to room temperature.

Observe fish behavior

Keep a close eye on your fish’s behavior and appearance. Once you notice signs of stress, such as decreased activity, loss of appetite, or unusual swimming patterns. Find the root cause immediately and take measures to deal with it.

How often to feed the tropical fishes

Commonly, twice or three times each day is viable. But, actually, the feeding frequency can be determined by fish species, age, size, behavior, and their needs. In this part, let’s take a look at some pointers.

Feeding amount

Feeding smaller meals each time rather than a large amount of food. Just keep in mind – small portions for multiple times.

Fish size and age

Young fish with higher metabolisms require more frequent feeding. As they grow up, you can gradually reduce the feeding amount and frequency.

Fish behavior

Consuming food fast within a few minutes may indicate that fish are hungry and need more food. However, if there is uneaten food after feeding, it may mean overfeeding, then you can reduce the feeding amount or frequency.

Balanced diet

A varied and balanced diet prevents nutrient deficiency and promotes overall health. The available food includes worms, brine shrimp, high-quality commercial fish flakes or pellets, frozen, freeze-dried, or live foods, etc. Occasionally, you can feed tropical fish some vegetables.

The smallest tropical fish

To begin with, we will list some smallest tropical fish.

  • Endler’s Livebearer (Poecilia wingei): a popular choice for nano aquariums.
  • Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae): striking red-orange coloration adds a splash of brightness to any aquarium.
  • Celestial Pearl Danio (Danio margaritatus): incredibly small, about 1 inch.
  • Pygmy Corydoras (Corydoras pygmaeus): peaceful bottom-dwelling fish and generally kept in small groups.
  • Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa): peaceful and adaptable to various water conditions.

Next, we will cover some interesting facts about the smallest tropical fish.

Nano tank delights

Due to their size, the smallest tropical fish are often well-suited for nano tanks or small aquariums. The compact body shapes make them ideal choices for hobbyists looking to create a miniature aquatic world.

Popular in community tanks

Most of the smallest tropical fish are peaceful and compatible with a wide range of tank mates. This makes them popular in community tanks, where they can coexist harmoniously with other species.

Fascinating behavior

Despite their small size, the smallest fish can exhibit intriguing behavior. From courtship displays to territorial interactions, they showcase a diverse repertoire of behaviors that highlight their unique characteristics.

Fast breeding

Some of the smallest tropical fish, such as Endler’s Livebearers, are known for their prolific breeding capabilities. They can reproduce at a rapid rate, leading to growing populations in well-maintained aquariums.

Schooling wonders

Many smallest tropical fish are known for their schooling behavior. Like, Pygmy Corydoras (Corydoras pygmaeus). They gather in large groups, creating a mesmerizing display of synchronized swimming and coordinated movements.


Exactly, tropical fish include freshwater and saltwater species. For beginners, freshwater tropical fish are excellent options. For instance, neon tetras and harlequin rasboras. However, saltwater tropical species are harder to keep and need more maintenance. Like emperor angelfish and tomato clownfish.

Hygger Aquarium Official Blog

The High Light Plants for Home Aquarium

Highlight plants are famous for thriving under intense lighting, showing lush foliage and vibrant colors. Ample light intensity is needed to support the photosynthetic process and promote robust growth. In this guide, let’s delve into the best high light plants for home aquariums.

High light plants

High-light plants require intense light to photosynthesize and promote their growth and flowering. Typically, high-wattage LED lights or specialized plant bulbs are great options. Also, most highlight plants need a longer photoperiod, generally about 8–12 hours. A consistent duration of light simulating a natural daylight cycle is helpful to plant growth.

But sudden exposure to high-intensity light can damage plant leaves. So if your aquarium initially does not provide sufficient light, it’s advisable to gradually acclimate the plants to the high light environment before planting them. Some common highlight plants include Dwarf Hairgrass, Glossostigma elatinoides, Alternanthera reineckii, and various hybrid varieties with red colors.

What does high light mean for plants?

High light, a light level, stands for the intensity of light required for optimal growth of plants. Commonly, high-light plants need a light intensity of more than 40 lumens per liter. Plus, different wavelengths of light, particularly red and blue light, are crucial for various stages of plant development, including leaf expansion, flowering, and fruiting.

Aside from that, high light conditions ensure that light penetrates deep into the plant canopy, reaching the lower leaves and stimulating growth throughout the entire plant. So, the PAR values, measuring the amount of light for photosynthesis, for high-light plants typically should be 120-200μmol/s or higher (or over 80 PAR).

In addition to light requirements, high light plants also demand more maintenance. For example, suitable water parameters, stable water quality, moderate carbon dioxide supplement, adequate oxygen supply, etc.

Best high light aquarium plants

Amazon Sword (Echinodorus species)

Amazon Sword plants are popular for their large, lush green leaves and their ability to tolerate high light levels. They can be used as foreground plants in aquascaping, making great focal points in aquariums.

Vallisneria (Vallisneria species)

Vallisneria, also known as “tape grass” or “eelgrass”, features long and ribbon-like leaves that create a beautiful visual effect when swaying in the water. You can build a vallisneria jungle in your high-tech aquariums.

Rotala (Rotala species)

Rotala is a genus of stem plants that includes various species with different leaf shapes and colors. Many Rotala species thrive in high light and can add vibrant red, pink, or green colors to the aquarium.

Ludwigia (Ludwigia species)

Ludwigia plants are known for their brilliant red, orange, or green foliage. They require high light to maintain their vibrant colors and can be used as background or mid-ground plants.

Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne species)

Cryptocoryne plants are popular for their broad, wavy leaves and ability to tolerate a wide range of lighting conditions, including high light. Also, they are often used as foreground or mid-ground plants.

Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis parvula)

Dwarf Hairgrass is a popular carpeting plant that forms a dense, low-growing mat in the aquarium. It requires high light to thrive and can create a lush and grassy appearance.

How to care for high light plants in aquariums


Ensure a suitable lighting system in your aquarium. LED lights are excellent choices for high-light setups. Given below are some reference values for keeping high light plants in aquariums.

  • Lighting hours: 10–12 hours
  • Light intensity: More than 40 lumens per liter
  • PAR values: More than 80 PAR (120-200μmol/s, or higher)

CO2 supplementation

High-light plants often benefit from additional carbon dioxide (CO2) supplementation. You can use a CO2 injection system or liquid carbon supplements to provide an optimal CO2 level in the aquarium. Monitor CO2 levels to avoid overdosing, which can harm your fish.

Nutrient supplementation

Regularly provide essential nutrients through liquid fertilizers or root tabs. Look for fertilizers formulated explicitly for aquarium plants, which typically contain nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and micronutrients. Just follow the recommended dosages and adjust as needed based on plant growth and algae development.

Water flow and oxygen supply

A moderate water flow rate helps to distribute nutrients and carbon dioxide evenly and prevent the accumulation of waste at the bottom. Besides that, sufficient oxygen is crucial for plant respiration and root health. Plus, if there are fish in a planted aquarium, adding an airstone is better. Because plants will release carbon dioxide at night.

Water quality

Perform regular water changes to remove excess nutrients and maintain stable water parameters. For example, change 15-30 percent of water once each week or once every two weeks. Furthermore, test your water regularly and make adjustments as necessary. In this case, aquarium water test strips will help you a lot and they can monitor 7 crucial water parameters and changes for freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

Algae control

High-light setups can be prone to algae growth. To prevent algae issues, maintain a balance between aquarium lighting, CO2, and nutrient levels. In the face of algae issues, you should address them promptly to prevent them from overshadowing your plants. Actually, you can deal with harmful or unnecessary algae via a bio solution – introducing algae eaters, like Amano shrimp, Chinese grass shrimp, and Cherry shrimp.

Pruning and maintenance

Trim and prune your high-light plants regularly to control their growth and promote bushier and healthier growth forms. Remove any dead or decaying plant material promptly to prevent it from affecting water quality.

The end

To conclude, high-light plants demand longer lighting hours and more intense light intensity. However, preventing algae from thriving in your tank is what you should keep in mind. Because high light gives a chance for algae growth.

Hygger Aquarium Official Blog

More Good Isolations When Fish Diseased

For disease prevention, it is generally recommended to quarantine new fish before introducing them to aquariums. The same goes for diseased fish in your tank. Once you find one, you’d better isolate fish to reduce infection risk. In today’s article, we will cover more good isolation in the face of diseased fish in aquariums.

Effective isolation of diseased fish

Whether should you isolate diseased fish

Fish may be infected by bacterial, parasitic, intestinal, or viral diseases. Bacterial disease would cause cross-infections. Parasitic diseases, like worms, can spread throughout the aquarium, which can be considered as contagious. Also, intestinal disease can be caused by feces.

So when should you isolate fish diseased? Following are some pointers for diseased fish isolation.

  • Abnormal symptoms: loss of appetite, hard breathing, skin lesions, body color fading, etc.
  • Fish are infected by contagious diseases, like parasitic diseases.
  • Treatment period: In the case of treatment, especially medication treatment, isolating diseased fish is crucial. It ensures the effectiveness of treatment and reduces the impact on fish and aquarium water.

Requirements for isolation

  • Tank size: A separate aquarium with the appropriate size and a great filtration system is necessary. It provides a relatively quiet and low-stress environment.
  • Water quality: Keep ideal water parameters and great water quality. Check and monitor water temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels.
  • Hiding place: Creating sufficient hiding places, like rocks, caves, or plants, can reduce stress and anxiety in fish.
  • Lighting: Appropriate lighting is essential. Some diseased fish require dim light, while others prefer strong light.
  • Diet: Some diseased fish may lose desire of appetite. In this case, easily digestible food is a great option.

How to isolate a sick fish

Prepare a quarantine tank

Set up a separate aquarium or quarantine tank specifically designated for the sick fish. Ensure the tank is appropriately sized for the fish and equipped with a filter, heater, and adequate hiding places to reduce stress.

But here comes a question – whether should you use the water from the original tank in the quarantine tank. Actually, if there are a few diseased fish, using partial water (e.g. one-third) from the old tank is viable, which allows sick fish to adapt quickly to the new quarantine tank environment. After 2–3 days of medication treatment, water change is needed. However, in general, the water from the old tank may contain pathogens. So, we commonly use fresh new water with similar water parameters in the quarantine tank, rather than water from the original tank.

Transfer sick fish to the quarantine tank

Move the sick fish to the prepared quarantine tank with the help of a soft fish net. Move slowly and avoid causing unnecessary stress or injury to the fish. If needed, you can gently coax the fish into a container or bag using a transparent tube or cup.

Observe and treat

Keep a close eye on the isolated fish. Monitor its behavior, appetite, and any changes in symptoms. Also, you can consult a veterinarian or experienced fish keeper to diagnose the illness accurately and determine the appropriate treatment.

Avoid cross-infection

Use separate equipment, such as nets and siphons, for the quarantine tank. Clean and disinfect any tools used before returning them to the main tank. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the sick fish or performing maintenance in the quarantine tank.

Duration of isolation

Keep the sick fish isolated until it has fully recovered or the recommended treatment period is completed. This ensures the fish is healthy and prevents the reintroduction of any potential pathogens to the main aquarium.

Severe bacterial and parasitic fish disease isolation

Set up a quarantine tank

Prepare a separate quarantine tank specifically for isolating diseased fish. Ensure the tank is appropriately sized, equipped with a filtration system, heater, and hiding places, and has no other aquarium inhabitants.

Transfer diseased fish to quarantine tank

You can move the diseased fish with a fish net. Move slowly and gently to minimize stress and potential injury. And be cautious of any sharp objects or decorations that could harm the fish during the transfer.

Observe and diagnose

Monitor the isolated fish closely and note any changes in behavior, physical appearance, or specific symptoms. Research or consult with a veterinarian or knowledgeable fish keeper to identify the specific bacterial or parasitic disease affecting the fish.

Treatments for bacterial diseases

Depending on the diagnosis, administer appropriate medications to treat bacterial diseases. Follow the instructions provided by a veterinarian or reputable sources regarding dosage, duration, and any specific considerations. Some common treatments for bacterial infections include antibiotics and antibacterials.

Treatments for parasitic diseases

If the fish has a parasitic infection, such as ick (white spot disease) or flukes, there are specific treatments available. Follow appropriate medication protocols, which may include antiparasitic medications, salt baths, or temperature adjustments. Be sure to research the specific parasite and recommended treatments for the best results.

Reduce the spread of disease

To prevent the spread of pathogens, it is recommended to use separate equipment, such as nets and siphons, for the quarantine tank. Clean and disinfect any tools used before returning them to the main tank. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the diseased fish or performing maintenance in the quarantine tank.

Duration of isolation

Keep the diseased fish isolated until it has fully recovered or until the recommended treatment period is completed. This ensures the fish is healthy and prevents the reintroduction of any potential pathogens to the main aquarium.


To conclude, treating bacterial and parasitic fish diseases can be challenging, and the diseased fish isolation is crucially vital. Before taking any treatments, you’d better quarantine the diseased fish and determine what disease your fish suffer. Then you can take more precise treatment.

Hygger Aquarium Official Blog

Fish Profile – Do Parrot Fish Have Teeth

Featuring brilliant colors, unique beak-like mouths, and peculiar teeth, parrot fish is one of the popular fish among aquarium enthusiasts. If you know little and have an interest in learning more about parrot fish, just read on. In this guide, we will delve into parrot fish.

Parrot fish profile

Get to know parrot fish

Most parrot fish are known for their vibrant colors and unique body shape. Their bodies are often adorned with various patterns and hues. Also, a beak-like mouth resembling a parrot’s beak gives them the name – parrot fish.

Interestingly, unlike traditional vertebrate teeth, parrot fish teeth are located deep within their throat, rather than fixed in their jaws. Their teeth can be used for scraping and crushing the hard surfaces of their diet. As the outer layers of their teeth wear down from the constant grinding, new layers of teeth are generated to maintain their efficiency.

Besides that, parrot fish can vary in size. For different species, their size ranges from 6 inches to over 3 feet in length. In saltwater tanks, parrot fish prefer shallow and clear water with abundant corals. Plus, they are active and always live in groups. Some species can even change their sex over the lifespan.

Origin of parrot fish

Parrot fish are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. They can be found in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. They are also present in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

Are parrot fish freshwater fish

Freshwater aquarium Saltwater aquarium
Common parrot fish Blood Parrot Cichlid (not true parrot fish) 

Tips: Parrot fish are primarily marine fish and are not typically kept in freshwater aquariums.

1. Green Humphead Parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum)
2. Blue Parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus)
3. Red Sea Parrot fish (Scarus ferrugineus)
4. Yellowtail Parrot fish (Scarus taeniopterus)
Rare parrot fish / 1. Clarion Parrotfish (Scarus coelestinus)
2. Japanese Parrot fish (Scarus prasiognathos)
3. Indian Parrot fish (Scarus ghobban)
4. Bicolor Parrot fish (Cetoscarus bicolor)

Parrot fish breeding

Breeding parrot fish in captivity can be challenging, particularly in the face of complex reproductive behaviors and specific environmental requirements. The following are some general considerations and guidelines for parrot fish breeding.

Tank setup

Provide a spacious tank with ample hiding places, great water filtration, and stable water quality. Parrot fish may require a tank size of at least 75 gallons or larger, depending on the species.


It is important to have a compatible male and female parrot fish for breeding. Just introduce them to the breeding tank simultaneously and monitor their behavior closely. It may be necessary to try different pairings to achieve compatibility.

Environmental conditions

Parrot fish breeding often requires specific water parameters. Maintain a stable temperature, typically between 78-82℉(25-28℃), and a pH level ranges from 7.8 to 8.4. Good water quality with regular partial water changes is essential.

Spawning site

Parrot fish typically prefer flat surfaces or vertical structures for spawning. Provide suitable spawning sites, such as flat rocks, PVC pipes, or ceramic tiles, in the breeding tank.

Courtship & Spawning

Parrot fish engage in elaborate courtship displays before spawning. The male may intensify its colors, display aggressive behavior, or construct nests. Once courtship is successful, the female releases eggs and the male fertilizes them externally. The eggs are then attached to the chosen spawning site.

Egg care

After spawning, it is crucial to ensure the eggs remain undisturbed and protected. Some parrot fish species guard and care for their eggs, while others may not. If the parents show signs of aggression towards the eggs, it may be vital to transfer them to a separate incubation tank or use artificial incubation methods.

Fry rearing

Once the eggs hatch, the fry will need specialized care. Provide suitable food for the fry, such as finely crushed flakes, baby brine shrimp, or other small live foods. You should maintain great water quality and monitor their growth and development closely.

Rare species of parrot fish

Rare parrot fish Features
Clarion Parrot fish (Scarus coelestinus) The Clarion Parrot fish is known for its stunning blue coloration and elongated body shape. It is native to the waters around the Clarion Island in the Pacific Ocean.
Japanese Parrot fish (Scarus prasiognathos) This species is found in the waters around Japan and exhibits a unique combination of green, blue, and yellow colors. It has a distinct beak and is sought after by enthusiasts for its rarity.
Indian Parrot fish (Scarus ghobban) Featuring a vibrant combination of blue, green, and yellow hues, the Indian Parrot fish is native to the Indian Ocean.
Bicolor Parrot fish (Cetoscarus bicolor) It features a striking color contrast with a blue or green front half and a pale yellow or white rear half.
Midnight Parrot fish (Scarus coelestinus) The Midnight Parrot fish is known for its striking coloration, with a predominantly dark blue or purple body and vibrant blue markings. It is native to the waters around the Hawaiian Islands.
Bullet head Parrot fish (Chlorurus sordidus) It is characterized by its bulbous forehead, which gives it a distinctive appearance. It has a predominantly greenish body with blue and yellow accents. It is found in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Great Barrier Reef.
Yellowbelly Parrot fish (Scarus xanthopleura) With unique coloration, it has a yellow belly, greenish body, and blue markings. Also, it is typically found in the waters of the Maldives, Sri Lanka, and the Andaman Sea.
Dusky Parrot fish (Scarus niger) It stands out with its dark brown or dusky coloration, which is quite rare among Parrot fish species. Also, it possesses a yellow tail and can be found in the Indo-Pacific region.
Leopard Parrotfish (Scarus taeniopterus) It is notable for its intricate leopard-like spots and patterns on its body. This parrot fish exhibits various shades of green, blue, and yellow. It is primarily found in the waters of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.

End of the line

Parrot fish do have teeth, and most parrot fish are saltwater fish. Furthermore, parrot fish can be kept by beginners. But some considerations are necessary, including compatibility and temperament, tank condition requirements and tank layout, fish diet and feeding, plus daily maintenance.

Hygger Aquarium Official Blog

Continuous Aerate Air for Outdoor and Power Outages

As an aquarium aerator, an aquarium air pump can oxygenate aquarium water, expel excess carbon dioxide, increase water pressure, and run other aquarium equipment. In this guide, you can gain more insight into air aerating including air pumps for outdoor and pond aeration.

What is the portable mean of an air pump

Portable air pumps feature portability and convenience. Most of them are lightweight. In aquariums, portable air pumps generally are small, battery-powered, or rechargeable, making them suitable for fish transportation, outdoor fishing, power outage, etc.

But how do portable air pumps differ from common air pumps? Actually, the two are different in size, power source, and air output.

Differences Portable air pumps Common air pumps
Size 1. Compact, lightweight, and easily transportable.
2. Typically, smaller, making them convenient for travel or situations where space is limited.
1. Usually larger.
2. May be designed for stationary use in larger aquarium setups.
Power source Battery-powered or rechargeable, allowing them to operate without a direct power source. Common air pumps, on the other hand, are typically powered by an electrical outlet and may require a power cord.
Air output 1. Lower air output.
2. Typically used in smaller tank setups or for temporary purposes.
1. Generally more powerful and capable of providing higher air output.
2. Suitable for larger aquariums or systems that require stronger aeration.

Do small ponds need an air pump

Air pumps for pond aeration

Whether should you add an air pump to small ponds depends on the size of the pond, the density of aquatic pets, the species, and the number of plants, plus the overall balance of the ecosystem. So, what do air pumps do in small ponds?

  • Oxygenation

An air pump can help maintain adequate oxygen levels in the water, especially in situations where there is limited circulation or stagnant areas. If your small pond lacks natural water movement, such as from a waterfall or fountain, an air pump can be beneficial in oxygenating the water and supporting fish and other aquatic life.

  • Fish and livestock

If your small pond contains fish or other livestock that require higher oxygen levels, an air pump can provide the necessary aeration. Fish, particularly in densely stocked ponds, can deplete oxygen levels through respiration and waste production. An air pump can help prevent oxygen deprivation, especially during warm weather or in ponds with limited plant cover.

  • Plants and algae balance

Aquatic plants play a vital role in oxygenating ponds by producing oxygen during photosynthesis. If your small pond has a healthy and well-established plant population, an air pump may be less necessary. The plants can contribute to oxygen levels during the day, while an air pump can be used primarily at night when plants do not photosynthesize and release carbon dioxide.

  • Water Quality

An air pump can promote water circulation, which helps prevent stagnant areas and reduces the likelihood of stagnant water issues such as algae blooms or mosquito breeding. If your small pond is prone to poor water quality or has limited water movement, an air pump can aid in maintaining better overall water conditions.

The best air pump for a Koi pond

Take a Koi pond as an example, a portable air pump kit is an excellent option. It is ideal for garden small ponds. The portable air pump kit has a 9 levels adjustable air volume control knob. The airflow can be adjusted according to your preference, max of up to 238GPH or 301GPH. Also, it is equipped with a diverter valve, which can link many devices (like 4 or 6 air stones).

When it comes to power outages

Facing power outages, how to supply oxygen to ensure the well-being of your fish and other aquatic inhabitants?

Battery-powered air pump

A battery-powered air pump is an excellent solution for providing temporary aeration during power outages. These portable pumps can be easily set up and connected to an airstone or diffuser in your aquarium. But make sure to have spare batteries or a fully charged rechargeable battery on hand to power the pump.

Manual aeration

If you don’t have a battery-powered air pump, manual aeration can be a temporary solution. Gently agitate the water surface using a clean container or your hand. This action helps in gas exchange, allowing oxygen to enter the water and carbon dioxide to escape.

Battery-powered inverter

If you have a larger aquarium setup or multiple tanks, using a battery-powered inverter can be an option. It converts DC power from a battery into AC power, allowing you to run your regular air pump or other essential equipment during power outages. This method requires a suitable battery and inverter setup.

Emergency oxygen supplies

Keep emergency oxygen supplies such as oxygen tablets or liquid oxygen additives designed for aquariums. These products can temporarily increase oxygen levels in the water. Follow the instructions provided with the specific product you choose.

Aside from the methods mentioned above, you can also reduce oxygen expenditure by limiting feeding. Moreover, make sure that the temperature in the aquarium remains stable by avoiding direct sunlight or extreme temperature fluctuations. Keep the tank covered to minimize heat loss. Once power is restored, monitor water parameters and consider water changes if necessary.


To lessen the threats to fish health, it is recommended to prepare a portable air pump for temporary or emergency use. Once facing power outages, apply the portable air pump to tanks with high density and fish requiring higher oxygen levels.

Boat Around the World

Adastra: The Futuristic Superyacht Redefining Luxury and Efficiency on the Open Seas

Adastra defies conventionality and stands as a superyacht unlike any other. Resembling a spacecraft with its distinct profile, this 140-foot vessel, launched in 2012, has spent nearly a decade navigating the world’s waters.

Owned by an individual who prefers anonymity, the yacht has embarked on extensive journeys, crossing oceans and exploring renowned cruising destinations. With a robust design aimed at stability and safety in ocean travel, the owner shared, “Adastra is a truly stable and safe oceangoing yacht.” Its uniqueness is further accentuated by its innovative architecture.

Conceived by British architect John Shuttleworth, Adastra has garnered not just acclaim, but a host of accolades and awards. Its defining feature is its three silver hulls, resembling an outrigger canoe. Shuttleworth describes it as an “engineering marvel,” a structure that had never been conceived or constructed before.

Crafted by McConaghy Boats in Zhuhai, China, the custom design underwent rigorous structural analysis. This involved evaluating a computer model of Adastra for its response to wave impact, slamming, and the outriggers’ resilience in rough seas. E-glass and Kevlar hulls are seamlessly integrated into a carbon-fiber superstructure, resulting in a vessel that weighs just 49 tonnes – equivalent to a conventional 60-foot yacht. Each component, from hatches to port lighting, was custom-designed by McConaghy using carbon fiber to optimize weight reduction. This lightweight design not only ensures hydrodynamic efficiency, stability, and performance but also translates to minimal fuel consumption and environmental impact. Shuttleworth asserts that Adastra uses only “one-seventh the amount of fuel” compared to conventional yachts of similar size.

In addition to its seaworthiness, Adastra was designed to convey environmental awareness and promote a shift toward reducing carbon emissions and fossil fuel usage.

Enduring storms of up to 50 knots, Adastra boasts a remarkable range of 10,000 nautical miles at 10 knots. Propelled by a single 1,150 horsepower Caterpillar C18 engine, it achieves a maximum speed of 23 knots and a comfortable cruising speed of 17 knots. Outrigger engines by Yanmar provide additional power, and water makers keep the freshwater tanks full for transoceanic voyages.

With a draught of 3.9 feet, Adastra navigates narrow waters that are inaccessible to most yachts, making it ideal for shallow regions. Equipped with a custom anchoring system utilizing three anchors, it ensures stability.

Despite its eco-conscious credentials, Adastra doesn’t compromise on luxury. The exterior layout offers secluded spaces and communal areas, thanks to the main hull’s extension over the water. Designed for up to six crew members and nine guests, its Scandinavian-inspired interior design by Jepsen Designs is minimalist, accentuated by abundant natural light through curved windows and skylights. The main cabin is connected to the salon, while guest accommodations and the galley are strategically placed.

Adastra’s ample beam of 52.5 feet accommodates a spacious aft deck with lounges and alfresco dining. The foredeck features a sunbed, and the garage door transforms into a diving platform when extended.

Boat Around the World

ISA Yachts Unveils Sportivo 140: A Luxury Superyacht Marvel

ISA Yachts, a subsidiary of Palumbo Superyachts, has unveiled new information about its flagship model in the all-new Sportivo line, measuring 43.6 meters in length. This Sportivo line consists of three models: the 140, 120, and 100, with the latter expected to be delivered in 2025.

Crafted under the creative guidance of Enrico Gobbi – Team for Design, the Sportivo 140 boasts a design influenced by the sleek aesthetics of sports coupés. Its distinctive feature is a highly innovative windshield with a military-style flair, extending the superstructure to resemble a car’s bonnet. Palumbo is responsible for the yacht’s naval architecture.

Accommodations onboard cater to eight guests across four cabins, including an owner’s cabin strategically positioned amidships, taking advantage of the yacht’s generous nine-meter beam. The owner’s cabin comes equipped with a walk-in closet featuring a vanity, a double bathroom with a spacious central shower, a sofa on the portside, and a lounge area adorned with floor-to-ceiling windows and a roomy terrace.

Interior renderings showcase a clean and contemporary design, also curated by Enrico Gobbi – Team for Design. Materials such as lacquered wood, marble countertops, and metal panels are thoughtfully integrated, complemented by striking accents of orange and blue. The yacht’s expansive feel is further enhanced by its floor-to-ceiling windows, open-plan decks, and a lateral-opening balcony, all contributing to its remarkable 298 GT space.

The hardtop sundeck, hosting a 10-person al fresco dining area, comfortable sofa seating, a bar, and a sunbathing area, stands as one of the primary social hubs on the Sportivo 140. Additionally, there’s a concealed relaxation area on the bow, featuring a fireplace, Jacuzzi, and a retractable Bimini shade, which can be converted into a cinema room.

Among the other notable features onboard are a glass-sided swimming pool with a relaxing bench that overlooks the sea, a generous swim platform, and a tender garage located on the port side.

Powered by twin MTU engines, the Sportivo 140 can attain a maximum speed of 32 knots and has a cruising range of 540 nautical miles at 26 knots. With a draft of just 1.5 meters, it can navigate shallow bays and anchorages, making it well-suited for destinations like the Bahamas and the Caribbean.

Boat Around the World

Unveiling the Epitome of Luxury: The Four Seasons Yacht Redefining Opulent Yachting in 2025

Tillberg Design, a Swedish yacht design company under The Viken Group, has unveiled additional details regarding the interior concept of an upcoming 207-meter Four Seasons Yacht being constructed at Fincantieri shipyard. This bespoke 14-deck vessel will boast 95 cabins, aiming to provide passengers with an unparalleled “yacht experience” upon its launch in 2025.

Tillberg Design is entrusted with crafting the exterior and suites, while London’s Martin Brudnizki Design Studio is tasked with designing the guest facilities. Creative direction for the Four Seasons Yacht will also be guided by Prosper Assouline.

Fredrik Johansson, the executive director of Tillberg Design, emphasized that the new Four Seasons yacht reflects the surging trend of “luxury yacht liners.” These hybrid cruise-superyacht hybrids intend to fuse the intimacy of small cruise ships with the opulence and elegance of superyachts.

Johansson elaborated, “Our innovative project commenced with a unique and vivid vision from our client. Picture the iconic Christina O yacht of Aristotle Onassis meeting the essence of James Bond. While this might seem like an infallible combination, it also presents a monumental challenge. Errors must be avoided at all costs, as there’s no room for failure. Every aspect and intricate detail of the yacht must attain perfection.”

Fincantieri in Trieste is in the final stages of finalizing the vessel’s design. Luigi Matarazzo, the general manager of Fincantieri’s merchant ships division, stated, “This project belongs to a league of its own, merging the finest aspects of passenger ship construction and yacht design to establish a new benchmark for ultra-luxury vessels.”

The Four Seasons Yacht will exclusively comprise suites, with each cabin costing $4.2 million to construct. Each suite will feature indoor and outdoor living areas, complete with expansive floor-to-ceiling windows and ceilings exceeding 2.4 meters. The pinnacle of luxury, the “Funnel Suite,” will span four levels, offering over 892 square feet of living space, a private pool, and a spa.

The Four Seasons Yacht will also incorporate hotel-style amenities, including a comprehensive spa and eleven distinct restaurants. The canoe-shaped stern of the vessel will house a convertible pool deck that can transform into an open-air theater by nightfall. Moreover, the ship will be equipped with four Riva tenders for transporting guests to shore.

Overseeing the project is Larry Pimentel, the CEO of Marc-Henry Cruise Holdings, who remarked, “In collaboration with Four Seasons, we are shaping a new category of lavish lifestyle travel tailored to the most discerning guests. Through world-class design, curated experiences, and truly unparalleled service, we’re amalgamating the finest elements from diverse industries to forge the epitome of yachting.”

The inaugural voyage of the Four Seasons Yacht is slated for late 2025, marking the inauguration of a fleet of such “yachts” under the brand. The contract, finalized in July of the previous year, amounts to €1.2 billion and includes the option for two additional vessels.

Boat Around the World

Saturnia: The Futuristic Superyacht Redefining Portability and Luxury

Who says a port must be located on land? Certainly not Lazzarini. This is due to the fact that the design studio’s most recent innovative concept is a superyacht that functions as a dockyard for small tenders serving the high seas.

The futuristic Saturnia is 328 feet long and has a geometric silhouette with pointed, angular lines. The ship will be made exclusively of dry carbon fiber, which, according to Lazzarini, will make it approximately 50 percent lighter than ships of comparable size.

Of course, the private port located midship is the crowning achievement. This one-of-a-kind sheltered area is accessible through two large apertures on each side that automatically raise when needed. Similar to a standard wharf, it can facilitate the entry and exit of mariners while also accommodating vessels with a draft of up to 5 feet. Consider it the entrance to your very own floating hotel.

The interior comprises five floors plus an antenna/radar area on the roof. It is characterized by high ceilings and enormous windows that maximize the view of the ocean. It can accommodate between 10 and 20 guest suites and dormitories for 20 crew members, with a layout that can be tailored to each owner’s preferences.

As you might anticipate, Saturnia comes with a plethora of luxury amenities, such as multiple pools and alfresco dining areas, a launchpad for eVTOLs (it is 2021, after all), and a stunning glass-bottom lounge with breathtaking views of the world beneath the waves.

Regarding Saturnia’s propulsion, Lazzarini envisions hybrid propulsion. Dual diesel engines and a central electronic water jet system would provide the vessel with a maximum speed of 30 knots and less pollution.

Believe it or not, this is a relatively subdued Lazzarini design. The innovative studio has previously designed megayachts in the form of sharks and swans, as well as a hyperyacht that resembles a projectile. Clearly, all of this design innovation comes at a cost. Saturnia is still prohibitively expensive. The superyacht, according to Lazzarini, can be commissioned for $300 million and will take approximately two and a half years to reach the seas. Best to begin saving immediately.