
Bali and Maya: The mystery of two “twin” civilizations hidden by scholars

Although they are at opposite ends of the Pacific Ocean, the cultures of the ancient Balinese and ancient Maya are not much different. However, why hasn’t the scientific community announced this yet?

This is a big question in archeology. Two remaining relics of two unrelated ancient civilizations have revealed a story we have never known: The ancient Maya and the ancient Balinese lived at two different ends of the Pacific Ocean, But their architecture, paintings, and religion are as similar as twins. Moreover, what is unbelievable is that this question is overlooked and even hidden by scholars.

“Twin civilizations” at the two poles of the Pacific Ocean. (Photo: internet)

The evidence below can show that there were other highly advanced prehistoric civilizations on Earth, not just our current civilization.

Stepped Pyramid (with temple at the top)

Bali Island (left photo): Besakih Temple is the most important, largest and also the holiest temple on Bali Island, Indonesia. It is built in the form of a stepped pyramid.

Stepped pyramid in Bali and Maya background. (Photo via

Maya (right photo): This stepped pyramid is called the Ossuary, also known as the High Priest’s Tomb, with 4 sides, each side has stairs going up. On both sides of the stairs are engraved images of snakes with feathers entwining each other.

The handrail is shaped like a pair of dragons/snakes

Bali Island (left photo): The top floor of Besakih Temple is called the stairway to heaven, it has a handrail shaped like a pair of dragons/snakes extending an entire floor. The mouths of this dragon/snake pair opened wide at the bottom of the stairs.

Maya (right photo): The northern handrail of El Castillo Pyramid also has two feathered snakes engraved. At the last point of the ladder, their mouths also opened.

Domed structure

Domed structure. (Photo via

Statue of god at the entrance to the temple

God statue at the entrance to the temple. (Photo via

Bali Island (left): Pay attention to the face, right arm, left arm, left leg. This Balinese deity is placed at the entrance to the temple. The god’s left hand holds a torch, his teeth are very large, his hair is long, he has a beard, and his face is very scary. In the lower part of the picture, you can see the god’s left leg facing left, while his right hand is placed under his chest, very similar to the Mayan statue.

Maya (right): Pay attention to the face, right arm, left arm, left leg. This Monkey God sculpture was also placed at the entrance to the temple in Maya. The Monkey God is an important patron of music, learning, sculpture and handicrafts of the Mayan people.

The god’s left hand also holds a torch, has big teeth, long hair, and a beard. At the bottom of the picture, you can also see the god’s left leg facing left, his right hand under his chest, his elbow also making the same gesture as the statue on Bali island on the left.

Snake head statue

Snake head statue. (Photo via

Bali Island (left photo): This snake statue was sculpted on the rock protruding on both sides of the snake temple on Bali Island. The snake is one of the most ancient and widely known mythological symbols, it symbolizes fertility and the ability to create life. The image of a snake shedding its skin is a symbol of resurrection, transformation, and healing. The big snake is a symbol of eternity and constant renewal of life.

Maya (right photo): This is a snake statue carved on a rock protrusion in the Mayan snake temple. Snakes were important social and religious symbols worshiped by the Maya. The image of a snake shedding its skin in Mayan culture also symbolizes rebirth and renewal.

Harvest energy with hand posture

Spiritual energy through the laying on of hands. (Photo via

Bali Island (left photo): Note the hand position of the sculpture of Acintya, a goddess in ancient Balinese religion. An important aspect of ancient Yoga practice is subtlety, the key being in the posture of the hands, body and eyes, using certain energies to move and create certain states. state of consciousness. Some countries like India call it “Yoga mudra” or “Yoga hand position”.

Maya (right photo): The statue of King Waxaklahuun Ub’aah K’awiil at Copan was built on December 5, 711. His hand position is similar to the Acintya statue. Yoga mudra is often used to prevent the breath from dissipating outward through the fingertips. To do that, the fingers must come together in different ways, which will help create some microscopic electric currents. These electrical currents guide the breath along a certain path and in a particular way to affect the heart and body.

Scary faces on the entrance gate

Sculpture on the gate. (Photo via

Bali Island (left): Many temples in Bali often have divine faces with scary expressions on the entrance gates. In terms of meaning, this is considered a way to ward off evil spirits and bad luck. Places such as gates and windows are often believed to be places where evil spirits can easily enter. Therefore, strange and scary images are often carved in temples and ramparts to ward off evil spirits.

Maya (right): Many temples in Maya also depict very strange gods, with scary faces often placed at the large gates. Some scholars think it was a mask. Maya masks include snakes and some other animals, these types of masks are quite popular.

Elephant statue

Elephant statue. (Photo via

Bali Island (left): In this photo is an elephant head statue at the temple entrance on Bali Island. In Hinduism, the most widely worshiped god is the elephant god Ganesh. He represents “perfect wisdom,” and is said to be the god who “removes obstacles” and “bestows prosperity.”

Maya (right): In the photo is an elephant head statue in Maya. Elephant heads feature prominently in art and sculpture throughout ancient America. This is also an unsolved mystery, because about 10,000 years ago, at the end of the ice age, elephants in the Americas became extinct. Previous scholars believed that the Maya created the elephant image because the ancient Maya saw elephants while on an expedition. It is also possible that this American civilization appeared much earlier than scholars imagine, even up to the time when elephants still existed.

Big mouth temple

Big mouth temple. (Photo via

Bali Island (left): This is Goa Gajah temple, also known as Elephant Cave. On the outside, the cave is shaped like the head of some large four-legged animal, its mouth is the entrance to the temple. Around the beast’s head are engraved many different beasts and monsters. The main image is said to be the elephant, so it is called the Elephant Cave. In the famous Javanese poem Desawarnana in 1365, this site was also mentioned.

Maya (right): Magician Pyramid (Uxmal). From the outside, the cave looks like the head of a huge four-legged beast, and the mouth of the “beast” is used as an entrance and exit. Linda Schele (1942–1998), an expert in the study of ancient Mayan stone inscriptions and symbols, said: “The shape of this Maya architecture is a combination of religion and politics… One of the techniques The most impressive technique is to build them with the appearance of a beast’s head, and use the mouth as the entrance… when people enter this structure, it feels like entering the esophagus of a real beast. accept that”.

“Third eye” on the forehead

“Third eye” on the forehead. (Photo via

Bali Island (left): the third eye on the sculpted wooden head in the picture on the left is a symbol of the religious culture, theology and spiritual beliefs here. Everyone has this third eye. When a person can see with the third eye, they can see souls or beings in other dimensions.

The temple has three doors, the middle door is large, the two sides are small

The temple has three doors, the middle door is large, the two sides are small. (Photo via

Bali Island (left): Three-door temple is very popular in Bali, everywhere. The structure of the three-door temple is related to religious beliefs in Bali, with a similar meaning to the design of the third eye in the human body. Thanks to the three-door temple, we can learn more about stories related to religious beliefs.

Maya (right): Three-door temples are also very popular in Mexico, in the Yucatán peninsula there are many Maya temples, Aztec temples and temples of many other cultures. The structure of the three-door temple is related to the religious beliefs of the indigenous Maya people as well as the religious beliefs of earlier Central America.

Why can’t scholars continue to study the similarities between Balinese culture and the Mayan civilization?

The sites of ancient Balinese culture and ancient Maya civilization have many similarities. Scholars say these two civilizations located at opposite ends of the Pacific Ocean have absolutely no intersection and both developed independently. These similarities have contradicted scholars’ assertions. There is now evidence to prove that ancient Bali and ancient Maya were closely related.

However, mainstream scholars do not pay attention to these similarities. On the one hand, they want to deliberately hide findings that go against the knowledge they have learned. On the other hand, they are also controlled to the point that they Even the most prestigious mainstream scholars themselves do not know all the information.

Why are the similarities of the above two cultures rarely mentioned?

The problem is that mainstream scholars are bound by an ideology. They think that today’s society is the peak period of human development. They believe that history is a long evolutionary process, from primitive society undergoing gradual development to become an agricultural society, then progressing to Greece, Rome and the Middle Ages, then being influenced by The influence of the Enlightenment period led to the development of science and technology, eventually becoming the current era of high-tech civilization. In their thinking, today’s society is the “supreme society”.

They have been completely dominated by the idea of “evolution”, it would be very difficult for them to accept the existence of an advanced civilization in ancient times or of a more developed golden age than the present. That is their view of reality, so they reject any evidence that goes against that view, or try to find other credible evidence to explain their views.

In addition, “scholar” is also a job, a profession, and has its own professional framework. If you want to become a “scholar”, you must accept their views and follow their rules. Otherwise, you will not be accepted to work and cannot be promoted. The more objective thinkers and researchers are about the past, different from conventional views, the easier it will be to be eliminated, leaving only those who know how to obey and be bound to ideological rules. current thought.

Therefore, no mainstream scholar dares to acknowledge the transcontinental development of past civilizations, that is, if they want to publish an article or be awarded a research award. or promotion, they are not allowed to protest. It is this invisible power that prevents us from researching the past, but we do not know it.

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