UFO and mysterious creatures

Controversial 3,500-year-old statue: Humans coexisted with dinosaurs

The Acambaro Statues are a collection of more than 32,000 strange statues discovered in the municipality of Acambaro, Mexico. What’s amazing is that some of them depict humans coexisting with dinosaurs.

Could humans coexist with dinosaurs in the past? Mainstream scholars believe that dinosaurs ruled the Earth between 220 million and 65 million years before the Mesozoic era.

Controversial 3,500-year-old statue: Humans coexisted with dinosaurs

Controversial statue: This famous Acambaro statue depicts a person seemingly riding a dinosaur. (Photo: Flickr)

Humanity is believed to have appeared on Earth around 200,000 years ago. However, while the majority of scientists accept this hypothesis, there are still countless mysterious discoveries that prove the history of the emergence of humans at different timelines, one of which is proves that humans and dinosaurs coexisted in the past.

One of the most interesting examples is the strange Acambaro statues.

In 1944, Waldemar Julsrud, a German businessman, made a discovery in Acambaro, a small town about 300 km northwest of Mexico, in the province of Guanajuato.

While he was riding with his servant, a farmer named Odilon Tinajero, he was suddenly drawn to a piece of pottery protruding from the ground. It was a terracotta statue that was unlike any he had seen in the past.

Julsrud ordered Tinajero to dig it up and bring back all similar pieces he found there. A few days later, Tinajero found dozens more strange artifacts.

Controversial 3,500-year-old statue: Humans coexisted with dinosaurs

Another of the statues in the collection. (Photo: Wikipedia)

Julsrud was stunned by the shape and variety of the figurines. He made an agreement with his servant that he would pay Tinajero 1 Peso (about 1000 VND) for each intact artifact and nothing for the broken statues, even though he had to be very careful. It’s hard to dig them all up by hand.

He wanted to prevent anyone from counterfeiting those statues.

The statues were discovered in sets of 20 to 40 inside wells about 2 meters below ground.

According to Julsrud’s hypothesis, it seems that these artifacts were buried hastily to avoid being robbed by Spanish colonists.

More than 33,500 artifacts mainly made of ceramics, stone, jade and opxidian have been found.

They are all very unique and do not overlap each other.

Their size ranges from a few centimeters to less than a meter.

Some are made of clay, and all of them are created by firing.

According to Dr. Cabrera, the curator of the ancient Ica stone statues, Julsrud never did business with these artifacts. His main purpose is to use them for scientific research, and wants to protect these heritages, which he believes are unique to humanity.

Mr. Julsrud is happy for anyone to admire the statues if they are interested and want to learn about them, however, the current scientific community still refuses to accept the statues as authentic because of their strange shape. of them. Among those statues are many other unclear statues such as: Dinosaurs, unidentified animals, reptiles, some that appear to be poultry.

Controversial 3,500-year-old statue: Humans coexisted with dinosaurs

Interestingly, there are figurines that appear to be some form of domesticated reptiles and dinosaurs, some are giant apes, and many others appear to be representations of gods. .

Most people think it’s impossible. How can humans and dinosaurs coexist, right?

However, not everyone thinks so. There was a researcher who was very interested in these statues. He is Charles Hapgood, professor of history and anthropology at the University of New Hampshire.

He went to Julsrud to search and study the statues. He brought a few samples back to analyze using the latest and most modern methods at that time (around the late 60s).

In 1968, Carbon 14 dating in New Jersey showed that the statue was created between 1100 and 4500 BC.

In 1972, using photothermal methods at the University of Pennsylvania, two of the figurines were determined to have been created around 2500 BC.

According to mainstream scholars, all dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago. But why did all the dinosaurs disappear from our planet while other species were able to survive?

If we look back at history, we will see that humans discovered the existence of dinosaurs just over 2 centuries ago.

Therefore, according to logic, it is impossible for humans living 3000, 4500 or even 6500 years to be able to describe and produce statues of this animal.

This is why many discoveries like the Acambaro statues are denied acceptance, even though the evidence suggests otherwise, perhaps because these discoveries do not fit with known history. now.

In 1954, the Mexican government sent a team of archaeologists, led by Dr. Eduardo Noguerain, to investigate the location where Julsrud had excavated and at another location they discovered other figurines. .

They confirmed the authenticity of the location where Julsrud had excavated the statues, and said it was an astonishing discovery by Julsrud. However, three weeks later, in their report, they denied the authenticity of the statues because they had dinosaur characteristics.

So are the statues authentic or not?

In 1952, archaeologist Charles DiPeso, along with Arizona Indian tribes, visited this area of Arizona, observed workers excavating and studied his archaeological finds. According to DiPeso, the data showed evidence that the artifacts were created recently, and the usual characteristics of artifacts that have been buried for thousands of years were not seen.

IControversial 3,500-year-old statue: Humans coexisted with dinosaurs

If they were indeed preserved from ancient times, the artifacts would have had the same scratches and fragments as the rest of the artifacts found by Julsrud in Mexico.

Some archaeologists have dared to step forward, and suggest that if the Acambaro statues are authentic, then they may actually represent non-lizard animals, or possibly monsters. “mythical” creature, not a dinosaur as many people have assumed.

Although we cannot accurately determine whether humans coexisted in the distant past with dinosaurs, the discovery of the Acambaro statues remains a mystery even if they are not acknowledged. accepted by mainstream scholars.

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