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The Armed Forces of Ukraine received the PD-2 reconnaissance UAV

Armed Forces of Ukraine Aviation Come Back Alive CF UAV Ukraine Volunteers War with Russia

The Come Back Alive Foundation has handed over a PD-2 reconnaissance system to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Foundation reported about this on Tuesday, October 24, on its social media pages.

This is the fifth PD-2 unmanned aerial system that the Foundation has transferred to Ukrainian defenders this year.

Contributions from donors allowed the Foundation to transfer a system of two reconnaissance UAVs, a mobile control post based on a four-wheel drive minibus with everything necessary for the comfortable work of operators, a ground station, and spare parts to the aerial reconnaissance unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The cost of this set is UAH 29,921,679.04.

With its help, the Armed Forces will be able to conduct reconnaissance of the positions of the Russian invaders to a depth of 180 km and adjust the work of Ukrainian long-range artillery and rocket systems, including HIMARS, at the rear posts and equipment of the invaders.

Each drone has an optical sensor with a 30x zoom for the daytime mode and a 5x one for thermal imaging.

The PD-2 drone can clearly identify the target coordinates in the frame at a distance of more than 5 kilometers.

The operator controls the reconnaissance drone from a mobile control post.

The Come Back Alive Foundation emphasized that four previously donated Ukrainian-made PD-2 systems are already operating at the forefront. The next step is to transfer six more such reconnaissance systems to the aerial reconnaissance units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

Last year, the Foundation purchased 11 such systems: 10 were purchased for over UAH 300,000,000 at the expense of donations to the general accounts of the charity, and the DOU IT community raised funds for another one.

Representatives of Uklon also joined the DOU fundraising and donated UAH 1 million to the PD-2. In October of this year, the Come Back Alive Foundation transferred two PD-2 reconnaissance drones to the Special Operations Center “A” of the Security Service of Ukraine.

Militarnyi-usa my life

Lithuania to purchase AMRAAM missiles for an estimated cost of $100 million

Air Defense Baltic States Lithuania Procurement SAM USA World

The U.S. Department of State has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale of AIM-120C-8 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) to the Government of Lithuania.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced this on October 23.

These missiles will replenish the ammunition of the Lithuanian military’s NASAMS air defense systems.

The Government of Lithuania has requested to purchase 36 AIM-120C-8 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) and related equipment.

The possible Foreign Military Sale also includes the provision of spare parts and consumables, as well as engineering, technical, and logistics support.

The principal contractor for the future AIM-120 missile deal will be Raytheon Missiles and Defense in Tucson, AZ.


Ракета AIM-120 AMRAAM

The AIM-120 AMRAAM is an all-weather, medium-range, air-to-air guided missile developed by the US defense company Raytheon Technologies. The missile is equipped with an active radar homing head system. The AIM-120 is the main missile of the NASAMS air defense system produced by a consortium of the US corporation Raytheon Technologies and the Norwegian group Kongsberg.

The missile entered service with the US Army in 1991. It is the main medium-range missile for American and European fighter jets.

The AIM-120C-8 is the eighth generation of the C version missile, with upgrades aimed at improving the radar homing head system, communications and data transmission systems, and the engine. The missile’s launch range has been increased by 30%, which has increased the effective distance at which an air target can be hit.

In May of this year, a unit equipped with NASAMS air defense systems participated in military exercises in Lithuania for the first time.

The intention to acquire NASAMS was first announced on October 20, 2016, when a technical agreement was signed. The value of the deal was estimated at €100 million. The contract to supply these air defense systems to Lithuania was signed on October 26, 2017.

In October 2020, an air defense battalion officially adopted the Lithuanian NASAMS. These systems arrived in the country in June of the same year.

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Rheinmetall and Ukroboronprom formed a joint venture

Europe Germany Ukraine Ukroboronprom World

The German defense concern Rheinmetall and Ukroboronprom have formed a joint venture to repair Western equipment.

Denys Shmyhal, Prime Minister of Ukraine, announced this on his official Telegram page.

The joint venture is primarily aimed at repairing and maintaining combat equipment provided by Germany and other Western partners.

In addition, in the future, there will be an opportunity to localize the production of some military equipment at the facilities of this enterprise.

Rheinmetall – Ukrainian Defense Industry LLC was registered on October 18, 2023. The Prime Minister announced this during the German-Ukrainian business forum in Berlin.

“The creation of the joint venture is, without exaggeration, a landmark event that brings cooperation between our countries to a qualitatively new level and will allow us to build the arsenal of the free world together,” Denys Shmyhal shared.

The new joint venture can significantly increase the volume of military equipment repair and provide additional jobs for the local population.

In addition, two more companies will be established to specialize exclusively in arms production.

The first reports of the joint venture appeared in the spring of 2023. Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger made the announcement in an interview with the German Handelsblatt.

According to him, the cooperation would initially cover the maintenance and repair of armored vehicles in Ukraine, while the production of tanks would be prepared in parallel.

On September 28, 2023, the German Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt) gave the go-ahead to Rheinmetall to establish a joint defense venture.

“The joint venture is to be based in Kyiv and engage in service and maintenance as well as the assembly, production, and development of military vehicles,” the German Federal Cartel Office said in its press release.

The Bundeskartellamt added that the company will initially operate exclusively in Ukraine.

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Moldova kicks off joint training with Romania

Europe Moldova Neighbors Romania Training World

The militaries of Moldova and Romania are conducting Joint Combined Exchange Training-2023 (JCET).

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova reported on this.

The international training started on October 23 and will last until November 3.

The training takes place at the military training base of the National Army of Moldova.

During this period, Moldovan and Romanian servicemen will perform firing from various types of infantry and artillery weapons, improving their command and patrolling skills.

The soldiers will also practice defusing ammunition and providing medical assistance, as well as other skills.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova, Joint Combined Exchange Training-2023-2023 is being conducted in accordance with the National Army’s training plans for 2023. The Moldovan military has been participating in JCET exercises since 2009.

In October of this year, the Moldovan authorities, in a new national security strategy submitted to parliament, called Russia a “national security threat” that wants to eliminate the country’s statehood.

“The Russian Federation and its proxies in the Republic of Moldova are the most dangerous and constant source of threat, which, if left unchecked, could have grave consequences for the statehood, democracy, and prosperity of our country.”

Мая Санду, Президентка Молдови

In her statement, Moldovan President Maia Sandu noted that Russia had invaded Ukraine with the intention of “creating a military land corridor to the Republic of Moldova, which would create preconditions for an immediate violent change in the constitutional order and the elimination of our statehood.”

In early October, Militarnyi reported that Moldova planned to purchase a French Ground Master 200 three-coordinate radar by Thales Group with related equipment for about €14.5 million.

In mid-October, the Moldovan Army received another batch of Piranha IIIH armored personnel carriers from Germany.

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The Russian Aerospace Forces received new Su-35S fighter jets

Air Force of Russia Aviation Fighter jet Neighbors Russia World

The Russian Aerospace Forces received a new batch of modern Su-35S fighter jets.

The press service of the Russian UAC corporation announced this on Tuesday, October 24.

New fighter jets were produced at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aviation plant in the Far East.

The aircraft corporation claimed that the combat aircraft underwent a full cycle of ground and flight tests in various operating modes before being transferred to the military.

The number of Su-35S fighter jets transferred to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in this batch is not reported. New fighters have already left for the air bases.

This is the fourth batch of Su-35S fighter jets, which entered the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation in the current year.

In June, Militarnyi reported the transfer of the first batch of two fighter jets.

The second batch of Su-35S arrived in the first half of July and also probably consisted of two aircraft.

The aggressor country’s Aerospace Forces received the third batch of such combat aircraft at the end of September. It was stated that the Su-35S came along with the newest Su-57 fighter jets. Fighters are produced as part of the Russian state defense order for the current year.

Винищувач Су-57

In addition to previously ordered aircraft, in 2023, the UAC corporation in 2023 received new orders to produce fighters and bombers for the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The order is related to the creation of two new interspecific strategic territorial associations of the armed forces in the Russian Federation in 2023: Moscow and Leningrad Military Districts.

Recently, Russian air defense shot down two Su-35S of the Russian Aerospace Forces on the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine with “friendly fire.”

Militarnyi-usa my life

Belarusians will be mobilized via text message

Europe Neighbors the Republic of Belarus

The Belarusian authorities are introducing sending out summonses via text messages, along with new penalties for attempting to evade military service.

BBC reported about this.

Telephone operators will be required to send messages according to lists from the KGB and military registration and enlistment offices, and Belarusians must report to the military enlistment office about the change in phone number.

It is also reported that the military will be able to receive messages about mobilization via text messages.

At the request of military registration and enlistment offices or the KGB, telephone operators will be obliged to provide information about the numbers of Belarusians on military records within a week.

In addition, after the adoption of the law, paper summons can be handed not only at the place of residence but also “at the place of stay,” that is, anywhere, at work or in cafes.

The law “On Mobilization Training and Mobilization” also introduces the concept of “reinforcement apparatus”.

It regards “citizens involved in assisting military commissariats, state security agencies in issuing alerts, conscription, and sending mobilization resources to the Armed Forces, other troops, and military formations.”

Those who are in the “reinforcement apparatus” will be involved by military enlistment offices to participate in exercises, training, and classes conducted by military authorities. During these events, they will keep their jobs, salaries, etc.

This draft law is not yet on the agenda on the House of Representatives website, but it is likely to be included in the near future. If passed, the law will come into force the day after its official publication.

On September 26, Militarnyi reported that the Belarusian territorial defense uses the captured Ukrainian-made KrAZ Cobra armored vehicle in the exercises.

The armored vehicle, repainted in black, was spotted at the Osipovichsky training ground belonging to the 51st Guards Artillery Brigade.

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Russians plan to strike Ukraine with a space launch vehicle

Ballistic missiles Russia Space War with Russia

Dmitry Rogozin suggested that Putin strike Ukraine with a space launch vehicle.

BILD reported on this.

The publication has obtained recordings of conversations between Dmitry Rogozin and Dmitry Baranov, CEO of the Progress Rocket and Space Center.

Since the beginning of January 2023, they have been discussing the technical details of organizing a strike on a large Ukrainian city using a space launch vehicle.

Officials decided that it was most optimal to launch it from a spaceport in Plesetsk with explosives on board.

According to Baranov, the main problem is that due to supersonic reentry, existing heavy high explosive bombs or guided munitions will overheat at a speed of 6 km/sec.

Rogozin promises to consult designer Yuri Solomonov about this. A few days later, he found a solution.

Another risk discussed by Rogozin and Baranov was that parts of the missile could fall on Russian territory. They were also concerned that the error during the strike could be between 50 and 100 kilometers.

Rogozin asked Baranov how long he would need to prepare the operation. He replied that it would take about six months.

The ex-head of Roscosmos called Vladimir Putin “our great and terrible” and said he would pass the plan to him through Anton Vaino. According to BILD, the plan was brought to the President of the Russian Federation on January 16. His reaction to it is unknown.

What can the Russians use?

The most common Russian rockets are the family of R-7 and its subfamily, Soyuz rockets. For strikes on Ukraine, most likely, the missile will be launched on a ballistic trajectory.

The launch weight of Soyuz averages 313 tons. It can take up to 7.1 tons of payload on board.

This is enough, for example, to load on board a large number of combat units from the Iskander, Tochka, or most likely combined explosive devices.

It is worth noting that the weight of the payload for launching a missile along a ballistic trajectory may change upward.

To the effects after the missile hits the ground, it is necessary to add the blast effect from the body debris and the detonation of unused toxic rocket fuel.

Open questions remain about the calculation of the rocket’s flight path, control capabilities, the stability of the hull during atmospheric entry, and the accuracy of damage.

The Outer Space Treaty

Such plans of the Russians are not a violation of the “Space Treaty” of January 27, 1967, which was ratified by most countries of the world.

It prohibits placing nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction in the orbit of the Earth or in outer space.

This treaty does not prohibit the deployment of conventional weapons in orbit. Launch vehicles converted for warhead installation are unlikely to be defined as weapons of mass destruction.

Militarnyi-usa my life

Police finds rare PP-91 Kedr machine pistol in Chernihiv region

Chernihiv region Infantry armament National Police Ukraine

Police in the Chernihiv region found a cache with a rare Russian PP-91 Kedr machine pistol and other weapons.

The police of the Chernihiv region said that the cache belonged to a 40-year-old native of Crimea.

The man was previously wanted on suspicion of drug trafficking.

During a search of the man’s home, police found three caches that were buried in the ground in metal barrels.

In particular, law enforcement officers discovered and seized a warehouse of weapons, namely:

  • AKM and three magazines to it;
  • recycled AKS-47 with silencer;
  • 20 F-1 grenades;
  • PP-91 Kedr machine pistol;
  • more than 200 rounds.

They also seized a narcotic substance (hemp), which was dried and packaged in 21 plastic bags weighing 600-700 grams each.

In total, the police sent more than 14 kilograms of drugs for examination.


For Ukraine, the Russian PP-91 Kedr machine pistol is quite a rare weapon, even despite the large-scale war with Russia.

The Russian PP-91 Kedr machine pistol was created in the early 1990s by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and was based on Soviet developments.

Пістолет-кулемет ПП-71

The design was taken from a PP-71 machine pistol that was created by gunsmith Y. Dragunov. His initials are encrypted in the name of the weapon – “Design of Yevgeny Dragunov.”

The submachine gun uses a standard cartridge caliber of 9×18mm PM. The capacity of the box magazine is twenty or thirty rounds. Among the obvious advantages of the PP-91 are its compactness, light weight, and thoughtful shape.

Recall that in July, a rare Alien pistol was spotted in the service of soldiers escorting President Zelensky and the Head of the DIU, Budanov.

Militarnyi-usa my life

Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation hands over Shark drones to Ukrainian Armed Forces

UAV Ukraine Volunteers War with Russia

The Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation has handed over a batch of Shark drones manufactured by the Ukrainian company Ukrspecsystems to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The volunteer announced this on his social media accounts.

The 24th Mechanized Brigade “King Daniel of Galicia” received one system, which includes a control station and two drones.

It is reported that the 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade, named after Yakiv Handziuk, already had a control station, so it requested one drone.

The value of the donated aid is estimated at UAH 8.5 million.

In September 2023, Militarnyi reported that all 25 Shark unmanned aircraft systems, which the Come Back Alive Foundation had purchased together with the OKKO filling station network, were transferred to the troops.

In addition, the Defense Forces of Ukraine have received the MiniShark UAV, which is a smaller version of the Shark UAV.

According to the developers, MiniShark was created because of the military’s need for a lightweight, compact reconnaissance UAV.

One of its advantages is its hand-held launch and easy transportation. The entire system fits in two backpacks.

Drones by Ukrspecsystems conduct reconnaissance, targeting, and recording of artillery damage to various targets.

For example, Shark drone was used to detect and record the defeat of the Russian Supercam S350 UAV.

The drones have good protection against enemy electronic warfare and a large operating range of 60-80 kilometers, depending on the modification.

Militarnyi-usa my life

NATO urges common standards for artillery ammunition

Artillery NATO Production of ammunition World

The North Atlantic Alliance is trying to agree on a single standard for 155mm artillery ammunition to simplify its production and logistics.

Admiral Rob Bauer, Head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s military committee, called for this.

Bauer called on member countries to stop protecting national arms makers, accusing their current market policies of undermining defense capabilities.

“The manufacturer will not get rich because of the printers that they make, but because of the ink. If you make an artillery round that only fits in the gun that you make, then you force the users to buy your ammunition,” Bauer shared in an interview with Reuters.

Non-compliance with standards by different countries has led to market fragmentation and complicated the flow of supplies.

According to Bauer, the price for one artillery shell has gone up to 8,000 euros ($8,489.60) from 2,000 euros before Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

Common standards for ammunition

A single standard for artillery ammunition already exists among NATO member states, but its implementation remains voluntary.

The Head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s military committee stated that 14 NATO nations reserved the right to deviate from the standard, meaning there were 14 different types of 155-millimeter ammunition.

He attributed the backsliding on standardization to a defense market that has shrunk drastically since the Cold War when NATO countries spent 3%-6% of GDP on the military.

“The number of buyers went down, the amount of money went down, and so everybody was protecting their own industry,” he noted.

However, Bauer said he was convinced that for the next 15 years, there was enough money to be earned for the industry, with NATO nations in the process of replenishing inventories depleted by donations to Ukraine.

He emphasized now was the right time to break the cycle and make a new push for standardization. The adoption of a single ammunition standard will simplify military logistics and ensure smoother supplies, which will help prevent delays and shortages in the future.