Mysterious UFO

UFO ‘hot spot’ mystery decoded after more than 200 encounters with flying objects

From March to April 2020 alone, there were 192 reported cases of UFO encounters in Yorkshire (UK). In total, there have been more than 200 reported cases of UFO encounters recorded in this area over the years.
The most recent UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) encounter occurred on June 9 this year in Leeds, West Yorkshire when two thin, black and long curved triangles were seen flying above in the air and then stopped in mid-air at around 12:55, Yorkshire Live reported.

Việc chạm trán UFO ở Yorkshire đã được báo cáo từ những năm 1990.

Brian, a local paranormal investigator, claims to have come across several UFOs while exploring abandoned buildings at night.

According to the Daily Mail, local investigators including Brian believe that the abundance of abandoned military bases in Yorkshire may be the reason why this place has become a UFO “hotspot”.

Bí ẩn 'điểm nóng' UFO được giải mã sau hơn 200 lần chạm trán vật thể bay ảnh 1

“They (UFOs) were attracted to Yorkshire because the mountain peak we were on had a superior altitude compared to other parts of the country. In addition, there is a large space and a series of abandoned and unused old military bases,” Brian said.

“There are hundreds of military bases, bunkers, airports of the British Air Force (RAF)… abandoned. Many such locations are not known to people because they are well hidden,” Brian said.

“Mainly these locations are only visited by urban explorers, paranormal enthusiasts who come to shoot videos or people who love history and believe in UFOs come to explore,” Brian added.

Bí ẩn 'điểm nóng' UFO được giải mã sau hơn 200 lần chạm trán vật thể bay ảnh 2

The paranormal investigator also said that just a few weeks ago, his team discovered 4 UFOs in one night. Brian said that it couldn’t be a commercial plane “because they were flying in the same straight line right next to each other”.

Ellen Dean, who lives in the village of Fearby, also revealed that she witnessed mysterious lights in her back garden in March 2020 and believed that the lights were not from a low-flying aircraft from the RAF station. lantern.

Ash Ellis, a local conspiracy theorist – owner of the website UFO Identified – specializing in posting stories and reports about UFOs, also said that Yorkshire has many military bases so it can attract UFOs.

“History shows that UFOs are often seen around military bases or nuclear facilities. Therefore, if they make a “reconnaissance” visit to us, they may be particularly interested in our weapons and technology,” Ellis speculated.

However, Ellis also noted that UFO does not necessarily mean alien spacecraft, but could be anything currently unidentified.

Mysterious UFO

Aliens may be traveling on a Dyson sphere orbiting a white dwarf

So far no one has found evidence of intelligent aliens elsewhere in the universe. But if they exist, they may be hovering on Dyson spheres orbiting the shells of sun-like stars called white dwarfs scattered throughout the Milky Way, a new paper argues.

And that’s where we should focus our search for extraterrestrials, said study co-author Ben Zuckerman, professor emeritus of physics and astronomy at the University of California Los Angeles.

Based on those findings, astronomers can estimate how many advanced civilizations lurk in the galaxy, he said.

Any advanced civilization needs energy: for food, for transportation, for conflict, for comfort and convenience. Currently, the 7.8 billion people on Earth use about 580 quadrillion joules of energy each year, equivalent to the energy output of nearly 14,000 million tons of oil, according to The World Counts. Indeed, almost all of human energy comes from fossil fuels, because we lack the technological understanding to rely on the largest source of energy in the solar system: the Sun.

If humans covered every square inch of the Earth’s surface with solar panels, that would generate more than 10^17 joules of energy per second. That would still lose most of the energy radiated by the sun, about 10^26 joules per second.

This is the driving force behind the Dyson sphere, named after the famous physicist Freeman Dyson, who developed the idea in 1960. If an advanced civilization really wants to harness the sheer energy output Well, they have to build megastructures to capture it, block out at least some of the star’s light, and convert that energy into other useful things.

Dyson’s original proposal of a solid sphere (with 100% solar coverage) did not work because of stability problems, as it would be impossible to keep the star at the center and the entire sphere would disintegrate due to extreme tidal and rotational stresses. Even so, it’s easy to imagine an advanced species building circles or clusters of giant structures covered in solar panels to get the job done.

But no matter how advanced a species is, and how many Dyson sphere-like objects they build, they will have to face the fact that every star has a finite lifespan. If a civilization arose around a typical sun-like star, that star would one day transform into a red giant and leave behind a cold white dwarf.

So staying on the surface of a planet is not a viable option in the long term. That means any alien could pack up and leave, find a new system to call home, or build a series of habitats that collect radiation from the remaining white dwarf. again.

According to a new paper written by Zuckerman and accepted in May for publication in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, it seems unlikely that an alien civilization would choose to experience going through the trouble of traveling to a new star just to build a Dyson sphere. So they will just build these superstructures around stars, which will eventually turn into white dwarfs.

This allows scientists to make a direct connection between the lifetime of stars and the prevalence of Dyson spheres. So, Zuckerman reasoned, if astronomers look for Dyson spheres around white dwarfs and come up empty, that could help estimate how many advanced civilizations might exist in the universe. river.

Current surveys of white dwarfs have found no evidence of any Dyson spheres. Given the total number of white dwarfs we would expect to inhabit the Milky Way, Zuckerman estimates that no more than 3% of habitable planets around sun-like stars would give rise to a selective civilization. Build a Dyson sphere around a white dwarf.

However, there are so many planets around sun-like stars that this calculation only provides an upper limit of 9 million potential white dwarf spherical civilizations in the Milky Way, the researchers concluded.

Mysterious UFO

American astronomer declared ‘shocked’ about alien habitation

A top American space scientist has claimed that he knows the best spots to search for alien life.

Universe Today reports that Benjamin Zuckerman, a now-retired American astrophysicist, believes that small, dense stars called White Dwarfs could be home to ancient civilizations. advanced intelligence.

Nhà thiên văn Mỹ tuyên bố 'sốc' về nơi sinh sống của người ngoài hành tinh ảnh 1

In one of his articles, he argued that recent advances in telescope technology could easily identify alien outposts.

Professor Zuckerman’s controversial theory postulates the existence of a Dyson Sphere, which experts have been hunting for decades. They are theoretical structures that could be built by extraterrestrials around a star to harvest its energy.

Of course, Dyson Spheres have never been found, and there is no evidence they exist.

Ngoại hành tinh lang thang có vệ tinh thích hợp cho sự sống ngoài Trái đất

However, if so, these structures would be a distinct feature of an intelligent civilization that could exploit the resources of a planetary system.

Zuckerman, a former UCLA professor who has published hundreds of articles and books, believes white dwarfs are our best chance of finding one.

Professor Zuckerman said, white dwarfs are quite common in our galaxy and give off a lot of heat.

He claims that that heat could be absorbed by the Dyson Sphere structure and power an alien civilization.

Astronomers argue that infrared data that has been collected by satellites recently could be scanned for signs of alien life. Those satellites include the Spitzer, WISE, TESS and Kepler telescopes.

This scientist has done some calculations on how many alien civilizations are out there. He believes that less than 3% of habitable planets orbiting sun-like stars have life that has built Dyson Spheres. That still leaves us with a few million stars to search for, if his hair-raising theory proves correct.

Professor Zuckerman is no stranger to controversy, having previously addressed the topic of extraterrestrials. His paper is likely to stir debate among astronomers, many of whom argue that Dyson Spheres don’t exist because they simply wouldn’t work.

Truth Theory

Aldi Customer Found A Little Surprise Inside His Broccoli Bag

By Mike Sygula / Truth Theory

A 62-year-old Aldi shopper had a surprise one day when he noticed a little ladder snake inside his broccoli bag. This incident happened in Stourbridge – an English town. The bag was placed in the fridge and only 3 days later Mr. Linton discovered a little gift.

Ladder snakes are non-venomous snakes that can be found in southwestern Europe.


Mr. Linton decided to take the snake to a nearby zoo to learn more about it, he was told by the zoo officials that it is a non-venomous snake. Mr. Linton than decided to return it to Aldi.

“It was pretty frightening. I’m not good with snakes,” Mr Linton, said.

“It’s lucky I didn’t just leave the broccoli out in the kitchen, or it would have been loose in the house.

“That would have been a huge risk for us because we have two vulnerable people living here.” (source)

Mr. Linton was offered compensation from Aldi however he claims that it was not sufficient and is pushing for more.

He believes that the figure offered does not compensate for the risk to his disabled son who lives with him.


Aldi’s spokesperson said:

“We are investigating this isolated incident and have apologized to Mr Linton that our usual high standards were not met.”

What would you do if you found such a surprise in your shopping bag?

Share it in the comments below.


Image credit:
Bouke ten Cate, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


1937 Painting Includes Tribesman Holding What Appears To Be An iPhone

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By Luke Miller Truth Theory

A 1937 image painted by artist Umberto Romano seems to show a Native American holding an IPhone.

The imaged called Mr. Pynchon and the Settling of Springfield includes confused looking tribesmen and american sailors circling around what looks to be a curious native looking at the IPhone.

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Unfortunately the image does have a more sinister side, being the depiction of the American colonialism of Springfield. In the battles related to this specific take over led by William Pynchon, it is thought over 8000 Natives lost their lives.

The image is mysterious in nature and whatever story Romano is trying to tell seems to center around this phone like contraption. Let us know what you think it is, and please share this article!



Meet The Man Who Has Lived As A Hermit For 40 Years




By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Chances are you have experienced a time in your life when you just wanted to leave everything behind and run away. Fashioning ourselves like the childhood heroes who would survive off of nature, we too would live like that, as far away from civilization as possible. We wished to live our lives quietly in the embrace of nature and forget about the constant buzzing of technology. But, doing that is easier said than done – well, for most of us.

For Ken Smith, it is his reality. Deep inside the Scottish Highlands, in a clearing beside a loch, sits his simple cabin made of logs. Entirely constructed by hand, it only has a corrugated iron roof. Rocks are used to make paths and it also has a patio. Smith also has a garden when he grows flowers and vegetables.

Ken Smith, also called the “Hermit of Treig”, has been living in that cabin, all alone for the past 4 decades. His lifestyle has been deemed interesting enough to be a documentary. Lizzie Mackenzie, a Scottish director, covered his hermit lifestyle over a period of 2 years.

Why Did Ken Choose This Lifestyle?

In the documentary, Ken talks in length about what drove him to live like a hermit. At first, he said, that it was a way by which he processed the tremendous trauma and grief that had befallen his younger self.

In October of 1974, Ken experienced his first major trauma. He was only 26 at the time. One night, some thugs attacked him and left him barely clinging to life. He remembers how 8 thugs had kicked him in his head and then threw him through a window. It caused a hemorrhage in his brain which left him comatose. He remained comatose for over 3 weeks.

Doctors said that Ken would never be back to normal. They said that he would lose his ability to speak or walk. But not only did Ken come back, but he also recovered completely. Today, he has 5 scars on his head that are a permanent marker of life-saving operations.

This made Smith give up on his normal routine life and begin traveling. He became enthralled with the wilderness. For the next 2 years, he simply followed his feet. Then, after covering about 22,000 miles, he turned homewards. But another tragic news awaited him at home.

When he landed at Heathrow airport, he got to know that both of his parents had passed away. So, Ken was basically left without a home. To deal with the grief, he started walking again, this time across Britain. At Rannoch Moor, Ken suddenly remembered his parents and the tears could not be stopped.

As he cried, he started thinking about a place where he could be as isolated as possible in Britain. During that search, he found Loch Teig and his current abode. Take a look at a teaser for his documentary:

Life As A Modern Day Hermit

Since 1984, Ken has been living here. After living here for so long, the place has become like a modest haven for him. He gets his firewood for general heating purposes, sap that he uses to make hooch, and an entirely environmentally friendly waste system.

In his log, there is a small collection of books that he found in charity shops. He has a head torch that lets him read even in the darkness of winter. Every month, he makes a 3-hour hike to Corrour railway station and gets several weeks’ worth of medical supplies and provisions.

Read: This Russian Family Cut Itself Off From Civilization For 40 Years 

Ken’s main connection to the rest of the world is some radios that only play the local station. Of course, there is no phone and Ken calmly says he never needs nor wants that. Ken’s life is a veritable time capsule.

As romantic Ken’s life may seem, his old age has become a problem. In 2019, he suffered a stroke and had to be airlifted to a hospital. It also meant that Ken had to receive too much help for his liking. But he knows it’s a reality that he cannot escape. Yet, the hermit of Treig hopes to live till 102 and pass away peacefully at his log cabin.

Feature Image Credit: KEN SMITH


Why does the UN and World Economic Forum want us to eat bugs?

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By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Before civilization was a ‘thing’, humans used to scavenge for food. And on their hunt, they would come across various flora and fauna that would serve as their diet. In such an event, it might not be too incorrect to assume that insects were also a part of the diet, considering the nutritional value they provide.


But then, we “evolved” all the way to KFCs and McDonald’s, with no insect ingredients in our McChicken burger. And yet, the UN Food and Agricultural Organization, in 2012, came up with a report that might call for us to go back to our roots. This report claims that eating bugs as food could “help in reducing pollution” while giving us “the nutrition that we need”. To substantiate their claim, the report also highlighted how a certain percentage of the global population has been doing it already. 


Claims Say Eating Bugs Could Help With Pollution- Whilst Sustaining Human Lives

While this is quite a bizarre report, there is some true value to this. If we look at the nutritional value of some insects– we would realize that they are a powerhouse of protein. Caterpillars contain 28.2 gms of protein per 100 gms, while minced beef has 27.4 gms. Yet, we don’t consume what could be a delicacy in the near future due to what scientists have called ‘consumer disgust’. Most Western countries would rather starve than eat bugs- simply because they are seen as disgusting and inedible. 

The report about eating bugs also makes a claim that beetles, wasps, and several other insects have been grossly “underestimated”. They claim that insect farming could be a guaranteed way to not only ensure food security but also address the several concerns that we have about the scarcity of food. The report proposes that since insects are everywhere and usually reproduce quite quickly, it would be in our “best interest” to cultivate them as food. Along with the nutritional value that they provide, they would also be “lowering the overall environmental footprint”. 

As per the reports of Meticulous Research in 2018, (covered by the World Economic Forum), the edible insect market can reach $1.18Bn globally before 2023. The many reasons behind the possible popularity are not just its efficiency (as discussed above), but also the minuscule amount of water that is required in insect farming. As such, insect farming will be a radically different experience from normal livestock farming. Gone will be the days of filth, muck, mud, heavy feed sacks, or even going outside. Insect farming involves much smaller machinery as well.

Some Believe The Idea Of Eating Bugs Is Nothing More Than A Conspiracy Against Meat Farmers

But, nothing can force an individual to eat bugs if they don’t want to. And there are a lot of reasons why one wouldn’t want to. Some individuals are of the opinion that the entire agenda has been pushed forth by ‘money-grubbing bug pushers’. They believe that these organizations want us to abandon consuming meat in favor of insect alternatives- which is then ‘conveniently’ pushed under the banner of climate change and human health.

In order to extend this plan, the government in Canada has decided to fund a cricket farm in London, Ontario. This is considered to be the largest cricket farm in the world. The owners of the locust ranch at Aspire Foods are also of the opinion that the farm would be making powder for pets to consume- but that might not be the final goal. For everyone wondering, allegedly, human pet food is what they are really trying to create. 

Mohammed Ashour, the CEO, and co-founder of the cricket farm believes that the world has been seeing quite a boost in the human population, and that brings a lot of issues with it. One of them would be the increasing appetite for protein- but a lack of arable land, as well as resources to produce the food that we consume. The long-term goal for the company would be to ensure that there was always a stable source of protein that would not only be affordable but also available to the general public. This simply states that eating bugs would in some form address the question of food insecurity in a lot of countries around the globe. 

Interestingly, some people are afraid that the agenda to eat bugs would come at the cost of producing meat and dairy. There have been multiple reports about attacks on meat farmers, and recently, Canada also had to back off from their plan of labeling ground meat as dangerous for human health. This isn’t a solitary event, as farmers in the Netherlands have also protested after the government forced them to cull around 30% of the livestock that they have. This, the government stated, would meet the goals for carbon emission. While this does quite noble, one needs to understand that the lack of real meat will drive the prices quite high. 

There is also an issue of potential transmission of diseases through edible insects to humans and animals:

What are your thoughts about eating bugs? Share them in the comments below. 


People Who ‘Worship’ Celebrities Tend To Be Less Intelligent Say Scientists

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By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Celebrities have millions of followers or disciples but recent research has indicated that people who spend time obsessing or looking at the lives of celebrities have lower cognitive test scores.

A report in BMC Psychology explained that celebrity worshippers had lower intellectual capabilities but it was still not clear if this obsession was a cause or a consequence of such an impairment.

Understanding The Research To Link Cognitive Abilities To Worshipping Celebrities

The researchers took in 1,763 Hungarian adults for a survey(online) which included several intelligence tests, which were designed to assess 2 different aspects of cognition.

The first of these tests was aimed to understand “crystallized intelligence” by testing the people’s vocabulary, while digital symbol tests were used to calculate their “fluid intelligence”.

The participants of this test completed the Celebrity Attitude Scale questionnaire, first, which was important to determine their level of obsession with these celebrities.


People whose interests were limited to discussing the same with friends were placed under the tab of “entertainment-social” fans. The next level was “intense-personal” and involved compulsive thinking about the said celebrities.

“Borderline-pathological” was deemed to be the highest level of obsession and people under this tab agreed with statements that involved being lucky enough to meet their favorite celebs and were asked to do “something illegal” they would probably do it.

The researchers then assessed their level of material wealth along with their self-esteem.

The researchers then deemed that higher levels of obsession with these celebrities were linked with reduced scores for both the fluid intelligence and crystallized one. They even confirmed that this trend would hold true even if they take other demographic factors into account.

Linear regression models did not succeed in indicating that the worship of celebs was indeed linked to the drop in cognitive abilities, which made it difficult to understand why such an association existed. The authors of this study speculated on the nature of this link and claimed that such an obsession hindered their cognitive abilities due to high levels of focus which was necessary for them to maintain a “one-sided emotional bond”.

They postulated that people who had higher levels of intelligence were less likely to worship the celebrities, as they were able to recognize the celebs’ “marketing strategies”.


It was ultimately concluded that more research was needed to determine if such an obsession was the consequence or cause of lower intelligence. The authors summed up their findings and explained that such a “worship” could be regarded as a contributing factor, which could alter and diminish cognitive abilities and was independent of demographic factors(education, material wealth, and age) although other factors might be stronger predictors of cognitive performance.


Magic Mushrooms One Step Closer To Treating Depression After Successful Clinical Trials


By John Vibes / Truth Theory

Psilocybin, the active ingredient in the most commonly used psychedelic mushrooms, is coming closer to becoming a mainstream treatment for depression. As Truth Theory reported in November, the FDA has listed psilocybin as a breakthrough therapy for depression over the past two years, which has opened the floodgates for research and development of potential treatments.

One company, in particular, Compass Pathways, has been at the forefront of this research, as they have a huge advantage due to significant investments from people like Peter Theil, the co-founder of PayPal.

In a presentation given last month, at the annual meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), Compass Pathways announced the results of its recent psilocybin trial at King’s College in London. 89 volunteers participated in the study, where the effects of 10mg and 25mg doses were compared with a placebo. The team reported no adverse physical effects during the study and no negative effects on cognitive and emotional functioning.

Dr Ekaterina Malievskaia, Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder, COMPASS Pathways, said, “This study is part of our overall clinical development programme in treatment-resistant depression; we wanted to look at the safety and tolerability profile of our psilocybin, and to look at the feasibility of a model where up to six 1:1 sessions are held at the same time. We are focused on getting psilocybin therapy safely to as many patients who would benefit from it as possible. We are grateful to the many pioneering research institutions whose work over the years has helped to demonstrate the potential of psilocybin in medicine.”

Dr James Rucker, Consultant Psychiatrist and Senior Clinical Lecturer in Psychopharmacology at King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, and lead investigator of the study, said, “This is the largest controlled study of psilocybin to date. The results of the study are clinically reassuring and support further development of psilocybin as a treatment for patients with mental health problems that haven’t improved with conventional therapy, such as treatment resistant depression.”

Compass Pathways is currently conducting other studies to prove the safety and efficacy of the substance as a treatment for depression, and is said to be developing a patented treatment based on their findings.

As Truth Theory reported earlier this year, Johns Hopkins University recently announced the opening of the Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research, a facility within John Hopkins Medicine that will be dedicated to studying psychedelics and their potential to be used medicinally. This research center is the first of its kind in the United States, and the largest of its kind in the entire world. The unprecedented research effort is being made possible thanks to $17 million in donations from private investors.

IMAGE CREDIT: Wikipedia 

Strange Mysteries

The biggest treasure hunt in history: the most valuable treasures ever discovered in the world, priced at 22 billion USD with a rare royal jewel

The world is fuƖl of mysteries and hidden tɾeɑsures waiTιng to be discoʋered. One of TҺe most recent ɑnd significant discoveɾies was мade in 2015 when a shipwrecк cɑlƖed San José was discovered ɑT tҺe boTTom of The Carιbbean. Anotheɾ noTable tɾeasure trove wɑs discovered during the Black Swan pɾoject in 2007. Ingots worth oʋer […]

The world is fuƖl of mysteries and hidden tɾeɑsures waiTιng to be discoʋered.

One of TҺe most recent ɑnd significant discoveɾies was мade in 2015 when a shipwrecк cɑlƖed San José was discovered ɑT tҺe boTTom of The Carιbbean.

Anotheɾ noTable tɾeasure trove wɑs discovered during the Black Swan pɾoject in 2007. Ingots worth oʋer $500 millιon were discovered in the salvage operɑTion, мaкing ιt TҺe мost vɑƖᴜaƄle treɑsure trove eʋer foᴜnd aT the tiмe.

In 2009, a man discoʋeɾed the Ɩargest Anglo-Saxon treasure ever foᴜnd in STaffordshire, England, ᴜsing a мetal deTectoɾ.

The PanɑgyurisҺte Treasure is anoTheɾ famous discovery dating Ƅack to 1949. Three broTҺers from BuƖgɑria, Pavel, Petko ɑnd MicҺaiƖ Keιkov, weɾe digging for cƖay in a tιle factoɾy when they foᴜnd tҺe Tɾeasure.

The sinking of tҺe Tιtanic ιn 1912 is one of The most famous sҺipwrecкs in hιsTory and was cɑrrying a Trove of expensiʋe artιfacts, ιncludιng gold, diamonds and sιlver.

In 2017, Two metal detecTing enthusiasTs dιscovered a hoaɾd of Roмɑn coιns fɾoм The earƖy 4th centuɾy in LincoƖnshιre, Englɑnd.

The worƖd is fulƖ of hidden treasures waiTιng To be discovered ɑnd with the advancement of tecҺnoƖogy and archaeology, theɾe wilƖ undoubtedƖy be мore discoʋeɾιes in the future.