Truth Theory


In order to increase interplanetary communication in the galaxy, an interstellar radio message was sent to space in 1974. The target was a globular star cluster called M13.

Interestingly, this communications system, as well as the entire plan was to highlight the advancements made by humanity in the field of technology- rather than any real motive behind establishing a series of communication channels with extraterrestrial entities. But considering the quality of the images sent, it did seem quite dubious if the interplanetary systems did attach some meaning to the images. This message was sent to outer space through radio waves at a ceremony that marked the renovation of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico.


The Arecibo radio waves led to a phenomenon called the Arecibo answer. A crop circle appeared in 2001 near the Chilbolton Radio Telescope located in Hampshire, UK. This was portrayed as a response sent from the extraterrestrial recipients with the original message imprinted- except for a few changes. The crop circle featured the same 23×73 grid simply because the numbers were prime and most of the data regarding the chemicals were the same except carbon which was changed to silicon. At the bottom of the circle, the entire human figure was turned into a large, bulbous head.

Skeptics claim that this is an “obvious hoax” and that pranksters made the crop circles, however, no evidence is presented to support one or the other side of the story. No one was caught on camera or admitted to creating it. Such formations would require weeks of careful planning and teams of people to create them properly. Yet, the crop circles appeared unnoticed in a short period of time. Crop circle enthusiasts think this is a “genuine response”:

Most skeptics are of the opinion that if extraterrestrial beings had to establish contact with our planet, why couldn’t they simply send radio waves back rather than create a crop circle in the middle of nowhere? Crop circles are a very interesting phenomenon countless witnesses claim that complex formations appear overnight, yet many scientists remain skeptical and rarely bother to investigate it well enough.


The Arecibo message and the resulting crop circle wasn’t the only message sent to outer space. Before his demise, Stephen Hawking and a Russian billionaire had an idea that a message would be sent to outer space which could be very specific to humanity as a whole. This program would also be a way of discovering any extraterrestrial life form.

This is why the scientists had asked people to think of what could be written as the message- but no development has taken place ever since the passing of Stephen Hawking. On the side of the spectrum, there are scientists and theorists who believe that if the beings were to send a response back to earth, it wouldn’t be in the form of a crop circle or radio waves but something more dangerous.

This is why Stephen Hawking, in a 2010 documentary, spoke about the perils of sending radio waves into space. He warned that there could be beings in outer space who were looking to wipe us out, and sending radio waves would simply put a target on our backs. What Hawking considered to be a worse possibility would be when extraterrestrial beings wipe us out by accident by believing that our radio waves were an act of aggression. He believed that this would be similar to the condition of the Native Americans when Christopher Columbus invaded their region.

Truth Theory


In May, Sotheby’s headquarters in New York will be hosting the auction of what could be the most expensive book of all time: a bible estimated up to 50 million dollars. It is said to be one of the oldest in the world, an example of a book unlike any other. What is it really?


The Bible is said to be the world’s best-selling book. Granted, it enjoyed a head start: in the 15th century, when Gutenberg developed his famous printing technique, it was of course the Bible that he chose for widespread distribution.

At the time, Gutenberg printed a Latin version of the Bible, known as the “Vulgate”, translated from Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek by Saint Jerome at the turn of the 5th century AD. We owe such linguistic diversity to the fact that the Bible is not a book, but a collection of books written at different times by authors who did not all speak the same language. The word “bible” itself means “the books” in the plural (in Greek: “ta biblia”).

The bible to be auctioned on May 16 is in Hebrew and dates from around the 10th century AD. This is a respectable age, but there are much older manuscripts. A thousand years earlier, scribes were copying the same books onto parchment (or, more rarely, papyrus) scrolls.

Some of these manuscripts spent millennia hidden in caves on the western shores of the Dead Sea. They were discovered in the middle of the 20th century by Bedouins. These “Dead Sea Scrolls”, as they are called, are the oldest manuscripts of the Bible to date. Unfortunately, they are dislocated and fragmented: there are more than 30,000 fragments, which must have corresponded to about a thousand scrolls. There are as many puzzles to be solved, without a model, and with most of the pieces missing. The oldest are dated to the 3rd century BC, perhaps even the 4th or 5th century BC, as I recently proposed. The later ones are dated to the 2nd century AD.

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Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsᵃ), copied in the late IIᵉ century BC.
Ardon Bar-Hama, CC BY 

In most cases, the method for dating is based on “paleography” – the way the letters are drawn – with the assumption that people did not write in the same way in the 3rd century BC as they did in the 2nd century AD.Carbon-14 dating is, in theory, useful, but it faces several difficulties: it is a destructive method, because samples have to be taken and crushed. These samples are often contaminated and give aberrant results. And even when they are correct, the results have to be calibrated, and one sometimes ends up with several possible and rather imprecise dates. Finally, even when the date is plausible, only the parchment or papyrus is dated, not the writing. The text itself may have been inked much later – especially if the parchment was washed and reused, as was often done: in those days, recycling was the norm.

Before the upcoming auction, a carbon-14 dating was carried out, but the results have not been published. We are told that this bible would date from the late 9th or early 10th century AD, but no further details are given. It is in the seller’s interest to offer the earliest possible dating to raise the bidding, even to the point of presenting this bible as a missing link with the Dead Sea Scrolls. In reality, a millennium separates them, so that a few decades will hardly make any difference.


The missing link exists, however: Greek bibles dated to the 4th or 5th centuries AD. The most famous is in the Vatican, hence the name Codex Vaticanus. For the books of the Bible that were written in Greek, these manuscripts preserve the text in its original language. But for books written in Hebrew and Aramaic, one must do with a Greek translation. Alas, to translate is to betray.

This raises the question of the reliability of this Greek version, especially as it sometimes differs from later Hebrew bibles such as the one being auctioned. Were the Greek translators incompetent or distracted? The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls solved this riddle, since some of these scrolls, including Hebrew ones, agree with the Greek version. In other words, the Greek translators did a pretty good job, because the Hebrew text in front of them was different from the medieval Hebrew bibles.

The biblical text did not stop its metamorphosis there. For centuries, different versions were passed on from one hand to another, copied time and again by Jewish and Christian scribes who did not necessarily speak much to each other.

In the Early Middle Ages, Jewish scholars developed systems for punctuating the biblical text. It must be said that the Hebrew alphabet does not mark vowels in a systematic and precise manner. In fact, the same text can often be read in different ways, which can have serious consequences for those who view it as Holy Scripture.

To remove any ambiguity, small dots and strokes were added here and there to specify the exact pronunciation of vowels, stress, punctuation and cantillation. Several pronunciations were in competition, and it was not until the 10th century AD that the first Hebrew bible with the pronunciation still in use today was produced.

That bible is the Aleppo Codex, dated around AD 930. It is on display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Several pages are missing, but its heir, the St. Petersburg Codex (or Leningrad Codex), copied in AD 1009, is complete. It is this manuscript that serves as the reference for the study of the Hebrew Bible.


The bible up for sale is neither the Aleppo nor the St. Petersburg Codex. It is Codex Sassoon 1053. Unlike the St. Petersburg Codex, pages are missing, so it cannot claim to be the oldest known complete Hebrew bible. Its punctuation is also slightly different from that of the Aleppo Codex. Which can be viewed either as a flaw or a quality: believers who wish to read the Hebrew Bible according to the official pronunciation will disregard this codex, while other scholars note the value of this manuscript for a comparative study of Hebrew punctuation.

The astronomical price for the item being auctioned is indicative of the Bible’s ongoing relevance to billions of people around the world.

Such cultural heritage must be protected from any form of instrumentalisation and appreciated at its true value. Codex Sassoon 1053 has other qualities: for example, it arranges the books of the Hebrew Bible in a slightly different order than we know them. The book of the prophet Isaiah has been placed after Ezekiel, not before Jeremiah. Imagine watching the Star Wars movies in a different order than the one in which they were released in theatres; the effect would not be the same!

This is what happens here: the Bible is read in a different way. Each manuscript is unique. The Bible’s millennial history invites us to discover it, not as a monolith trapped in a univocal reading, but as a living text in perpetual flux.The Conversation

Michael Langlois, Docteur ès sciences historiques et philologiques, maître de conférences HDR, membre honoraire de l’IUF, Université de Strasbourg

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Image Featured: Gutenberg Bible (Pelplin copy), CC-BY-SA-4.0

Truth Theory


The following game was designed by Japanese psychologists to reveal parts of your personality that may be hidden to you.

This particular game named “the cube test” was taken from the bestselling Japanese book, Kokology which is a series of games that that uses proven psychological principles which reveal your hidden attitudes about sex, family, love, work, and life.

I know there are many similar tests like this that fly around the internet that are pretty meaningless and not very accurate, but this one just happens to be one of the cool ones that is really quite revealing.

So take the test to see if you can learn a little bit more about yourself-

How was the test for you? Did it reveal any insights you may be overlooking in your life? Let me know by leaving a comment below! Much love, Luke

Luke Miller is the creator of Potential For Change. He believes that spirituality is the foundation for good health and likes to blend psychology and spirituality to help you create more happiness in your life.

Boat Around the World

Luxury Yacht Package: Strand Craft 122 Offers Free Supercar


Strand Craft is offering a remarkable promotion with its 122 luxury yacht – a 38-meter Open super yacht that comes with a free supercar upon purchase. Designed by Gray Design, the Strand Craft 122 concept boasts a stunning Art Deco interior featuring four double rooms, four large staterooms, a reception, salon, and numerous crew cabins. The yacht is equipped with 52” LED TVs, Bang & Olufsen sound in all rooms, and offers the latest in state-of-the-art technology and engineering.

Powering this luxurious vessel are twin Rolls Royce engines, and with the optional booster, it can generate over 14,000 horsepower, achieving speeds of up to 50 knots. The supercar that accompanies the yacht is hand-crafted and uses a twin-turbo V12 engine, producing up to 880 horsepower and reaching a top speed of around 230 mph. The yacht and the supercar are designed to complement each other, and the yacht features a built-in garage to securely house the supercar.

However, the ultimate luxury of owning this extraordinary package comes with a substantial price tag of around US$25 million. Furthermore, only six of these exclusive yacht-and-supercar sets are scheduled to be made, and it’s rumored that five of them have already been sold. So, those interested in this unique offer will need to act quickly to secure their place among the privileged few.

Truth Theory


In the 21st century, the name of the ‘Son of God’ has been synonymous with Jesus. But, several theologians and historians show that the very name of Jesus has gone through multiple translations and alterations over the centuries. This implies that Jesus’ real name is actually not Jesus, but some ancient name that is different in different regions. In ancient Greek, the real name is Iesous. In other Hebrew texts, the name of Jesus is Joshua. And in multiple versions of the Bible- the New Testament- the name of Jesus is Hoshea. This name is in itself a variant of the name Jehoshua. The latter predates the mass exodus of the Jews centuries before he was even born, which then evolved to Jeshua, and finally- Jesus. Needless to say, this name has been in usage since modern times as his devotees call him by it.


Interestingly, there is a certain section of the Christian population that believes that when people call out to Jesus- their Son, they are actually worshipping the wrong person. Jesus’ real name is Joshua or Yeshua- not Jesus- which leads to some Christians commenting on the veracity of their Gods. For example, Messianic Jews believe in worshipping Yeshua, rather than Jesus.

Some believe that Jesus’ real name wasn’t given to him by his parents, the name was a ‘command from the Heavens’. It should also be mentioned that Christ’s name was not at all unique, and there were quite a lot of people who had the name Yeshua or Joshua. During the second century AD, the name Joshua or Yeshua was quite common among the Jewish population. Therefore, in order to differentiate between them and the “real Jesus”, several Biblical texts changed the name to Jesus of Nazareth. He himself was born among humans who had the same name as he did.


According to multiple theologians who have worked on Biblical texts, the name of Jesus has quite a vibrant etymological and historical background associated with it. Jesus is the Grecian form of the Hebrew name that was ascribed to Joshua, the son of Nun, and the great Israelite leader. Apparently, Jesus’ parents also decided to call him Hoshea or O’Shea in this Jewish tradition. In the Bible, Joshua succeeded Moses as the Lord’s Servant. He managed to bring Israel to the promised land as he had sworn to Abraham, and was a very important figure to Hebrews all over the world. From an etymological standpoint, when the word Jesus is broken down- it means ‘Lord is Salvation’.

When it comes to matters of Theology, it is advised that religious texts not be translated on the basis of their etymological meaning- but rather the purpose behind the name.


Jesus’ real name is usually used for identifying Christ as the Son and Servant of God who would show the path to God to other people. This not only speaks volumes about the omnipotence that Christ has, but it also indicates how favorable he is to his believers. Therefore, it is understood that while Jesus is a distinctly human name, the translation and use suggest that God has come to mortals in this form. Regardless, several questions have been raised about the name. Some people believe that Jesus’ real name is actually Yeshua. Other Christians believe that the name is nothing but an error- and somehow equate calling Christ by Jesus as calling God by the name of Zeus- the Greek God. It is possible that people who think they pray to Jesus do not pray to the actual Jesus but to someone else.

Now, while Zeus and Jesus sound similar when one is pronouncing them, the similarities end there. The name Jesus has absolutely no connection with the Greek God of thunder, with the latter being connected to a completely different form of life and worship.

Truth Theory


Currently we have an a attack on free speech across the globe. This attack has come under the name of “Fake News”, and those claiming that “Fake News” is a threat are pushing to censor anyone with an opinion which is not the same as the mainstream narrative.

Many people are missing this censorship, however, working in this field we have seen the censorship of our content at Truth Theory, as well as many partners that we work with. We do not publish fake news, neither do the companies we works with, however, our reach and the reach of many news outlets are being slammed by Facebook algorithm changes, YouTube shutting down channels and Google blacklisting sites.

The one thing all the sites that are being targeted have in common, is that they speak from a narrative that challenges the establishment. We don’t agree with the opinions with all the websites that are being targeted, but this does not mean that they should not be able to share their voice. In our case, we bring uplifting media and something that can help people to find solutions to their problems. 1.7 million people have liked our page, yet only a fraction of those people ever get to see it.

What is strange is many websites that actually do consistently share fake news are growing in reach, and have far better engagement and website visits than ever before. Which asks the question, if they are able to censor our legitimate news sources, why cannot they do the same to well known fake news sites?

This short video shows how the outdated mainstream media align to all share a message that attacks people who have a different opinion.

What is happening now to independent media is the true threat to our democracy, and the only way to tackle it is to stop buying into the rubbish the old outdated media is pushing on its citizens.

Boat Around the World

Howard Schultz’s $145 Million Pi Yacht: The Epitome of Elegance and Innovation

The CEO of the global chain of Starbucks coffee shops is Howard Schultz. Starbucks began as a single coffee shop in Seattle and now has more than 30000 locations spread over 77 countries. Howard Schultz has earned a large net worth of almost $4 Billion as a result of this enormous firm. In 2019, he paid an astounding $145 Million for the uber-luxurious yacht Pi

Yachts may be classified as opulent, innovative, or stunning. However, the $145 million super yacht Pi, owned by Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, has also been dubbed “auspicious.” Pi is the pinnacle of beauty and grandeur.

2019 saw the completion of the Pi Yacht by the Dutch shipyard Feadship. According to Superyacht Times, with a length of roughly 77.8 meters, Pi was the 22nd longest boat constructed by Feadship. She is a wonderful work of art with a steel hull and an aluminum superstructure. The Pi features a distinctive design made possible by cutting-edge glass technology from a computer-aided 3D design.

The PI is nearly flawless, boasting exceptional build quality, superb design, and innovation. Sinot Exclusive Yacht Design created the yacht’s exquisite Zen-inspired interiors, and De Voogt Naval Architects handled the naval design in accordance with Yacht Bible. The positioning of floor-to-ceiling windows without mullions, which realizes the owner’s vision for the main saloon and really matches the outside, is one of Pi’s best aspects.

Her timeless design, exquisite furniture, and comfy seating enhance her opulent and friendly atmosphere. According to Luxury Launches, Pi won prizes for Motor Yacht of the Year and Best Displacement Motor Yacht Between 1,500GT and 1,999GT at the 2019 World Superyacht Honours. The immaculate building of the Feadship was the cherry on top that gave Howard Schultz a winner to sail.

Up to 12 guests can stay on the yacht in 16 sumptuous guest suites with an 18-person team. Among other things, she has a pool with a glass bottom and an opulent spa. A stunning spiral staircase connecting three levels and a spacious sitting area with an eight-person sofa are just two of the outstanding characteristics of the cozy and fashionable Pi. She also brags about having a garage and a helipad.

The outside lines of the vessel are notable for their innovative use of structural glass that has a double curvature. The vessel, which Jarko Jammsen designed as his first superyacht undertaking, has four decks that are excellent for guests’ amusement and leisure. The spacious main deck at the back can be set up for outdoor dining in a relaxed atmosphere or for lots of sunbathing. In addition, side walkways connect the spacious upper deck behind the ship to the flush foredeck. The sundeck up top is the greatest place on board to take in the scenery.

Truth Theory


When Stanley Kubrick released his film ‘2000: A Space Odyssey’, the new millennium did look a lot different than what we experienced in reality. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, people had a completely different idea as to how the 2000s would be. Some thought that the world would be hyper-scientific- like William Gibson, in his Neuromancer, and Neal Stephenson, in his Snow Crash, while others thought that space travel would be a daily routine for individuals. Hence we see movies like Blade Runner, Ender’s Game, Ready Player One, and Divergent. The imaginative powers of the people during the middle of the 20th century envisioned what the year 2000 would look like- something that might not be a possibility until the next century- i.e., the year 2100.


Needless to say, there weren’t just authors, scientists, and philosophers who believed that the world would be transhumanist in nature- it trickled down to kids as well, who considered the new millennium to be paradise- or hell, depending on their outlook. When kids from Marlborough College, Roedean, and Chippenham schools were asked about what the year 2000 would look like, they had some really interesting, albeit wild possibilities. One kid said, “Well in the year 2000, I think I’ll probably be in a spaceship to the moon dictating robots to robots, or else I may be in charge of a robot court judging some robots. I may also be at a funeral of a computer or, if something’s gone wrong with the nuclear bombs, I may come back from hunting in the cave.” The first line should remind one of Kubrick’s movie, where the astronauts dictate information to HAL 9000.

Another kid expressed her apprehension at what the year 2000 would look like. She mentioned, “I don’t like the idea of sort of getting out and finding you’ve got a cabbage pill to eat for breakfast or something.” What seemed to be really wild was the imagination of the next kid, who likened the new millennium to abject dystopia. The child said, “Oh I think all these atomic bombs will be dropping around the place. One will get near the center because it will sort of make a huge great big crater and then our world will become one vast atomic explosion and it will become like a supernova of stars.

Another kid also had a few theories about the year 2000- which were quite bleak- “Some madmen will get the atomic bomb and blow the world into oblivion”, while a worried child lamented, “There’s nothing you can do to stop it. More people get bombs, the more, well, somebody’s going to use it one day.” The general feeling seemed to be one of utter melancholy and terror of the unknown future. A kid did put it quite succinctly- “I don’t think there is going to be atomic warfare but I think there is going to be all this automation. People are going to be out of work and a great population and I think something has to be done about it. If I wasn’t a biologist that’s what I would like to do- to do something about the population problem and sort of temper it somehow- I don’t know how.

Fortunately, the kids’ fears about what the year 2000 would look like haven’t been realized yet. Sure, there are a few problems, but we still haven’t been hit by nuclear warfare, and the automation seems to be under control- as of yet.

Truth Theory


There are quite a few popular lies that some schools still peddle to their children. These lies have already been debunked but many people still believe in them. Let’s read some of the lies that some schools routinely tell students.



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There have been a lot of theories that would disprove the notion that it was Christopher Columbus who was responsible for discovering America. One such theory belongs to the Vikings. The early expeditions of the Vikings to North America have been documented quite well, and have also been accepted as a historical fact by most scholars. Around 1000 AD, Leif Erikson, the Viking explorer, and son of Erik the Red, sailed to a place that he referred to as Vinland- which is currently the province of Newfoundland in Canada. The Viking explorers didn’t stay for long before they returned to Greenland.

In 1960, Norwegian explorer Helge Ingstad and his wife, Anne Stine Ingstad, went on to unearth an ancient Norse settlement. In the ensuing seven years, the couple and an international team of archaeologists managed to expose the foundations of around eight separate buildings. In 1969, Congress went on to designate 9th October as Leif Erikson Day. As it stands, there are also stories about a Muslim-Chinese eunuch mariner who visited the Americas 71 years before Columbus did. The mariner was Zheng He- and he was a real historical figure- as mentioned by Gavin Menzies in his book- 1421- The Year China Discovered America


Nikola Tesla with his equipment EDIT

While the last century has catapulted Guglielmo Marconi as the founder of the radio, it was just a massive stroke of fortune that Marconi got the credit and not Nikola Tesla. When Tesla created his coils, the inventor went on to discover that he could easily transmit and receive majorly powerful radio signals which could then be tuned to resonate at the same frequency. When this coil was tuned to a signal of a particular frequency, it would magnify the incoming electrical energy through a largely resonant action. In 1895, Tesla was absolutely ready to transmit a signal that would go about 50 miles to West Point, New York- but a fire in his lab destroyed all of his work.

During this period, there was a young Italian experimenter called Guglielmo Marconi in England, who had been working hard to create a device for the wireless telegraph. The young Italian had already taken out the first patent for a wireless telegraph in 1896. Through a set up of long-distance demonstrations- which ironically used a Tesla oscillator- the Italian was able to transmit the signals across the Channel. Soon, the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company began thriving heavily in the stock markets, with celebrities like Edison and Andrew Carnegie investing in it.


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While the phonograph was one of the most groundbreaking discoveries by Thomas Alva Edison, it was usually considered to be a novelty. In fact, Edison had already moved to his next concept- the incandescent light bulb. As it stands, electric bulbs had already been in play since the early part of the 19th century- but they were not resilient- quite short-lived due to the filaments. One of the earliest forms of electric light- which was the carbon arc light- also relied on battery-heated carbon rods in order to produce light. But they would have to be lit by hands- and the process was quite dangerous.

On the other hand, what Edison created was practical, cheap, and long-lasting. He demonstrated a bulb that could last for 14.5 hours in 1879. Speaking to a New York Times reporter, the inventor stated that his light was a perfect one. But- it was actually not completely perfect as it was a Black inventor by the name of Lewis Latimer, who went on to refine Edison’s creation, making filaments more durable and working to efficiently manufacture them.


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It should come as a shock to people who have grown up reading about the great stature of Mahatma Gandhi, to realize that his life had dark, twisted secrets as well- ones that history has often neglected to accentuate. It was Ashwin Desai, a professor of sociology at the University of Johannesburg, and Goolam Vahed- a history professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, who spent years compiling a book on the story of Gandhi in South Africa. In 2015, they went on to publish a book called The South African Gandhi- Stretcher-Bearer of Empire- which went on to cast a light on the whitewashed past of Gandhi, as well as his highly derogatory comments against the indigenous tribes of Africa. It also has been revealed that he would “use his wife as a punching bag” as quoted in Gandhi: The True Man Behind Modern India: “I simply cannot bear to look at Ba’s face. The expression is often like that on the face of a meek cow and gives one the feeling as a cow occasionally does, that in her own dumb manner she is saying something.”


Charles Darwin English naturlist colored

When asked about the Theory of Evolution, most of us would turn towards Charles Darwin, and hardly anyone would pay heed to Alfred Russel Wallace, another British naturalist, who was a co-discoverer of the theory. It was Wallace who developed some of the most important ideas about natural selection during an eight-year expedition to what was considered to be the Dutch East Indies- modern-day Indonesia- where he then observed the wildlife and collected multiple specimens. By 1855, Wallace had come to the conclusion that all living things evolve. But he didn’t really understand how or why until three years later. He was on the island of Halmahera, quite delirious with fever when he realized that animals evolved when they adapted to their environment.

These are the 5 popular lies that any school would teach you as a part of one’s curriculum. It turns to us to debunk the lies and preach the truth.

Truth Theory


Nikola Tesla had many behaviors that most would consider obsessive. He would walk around a block three times before entering a building and clean his plates with 18 napkins. When he stayed in hotel rooms the number of the room would always be divisible by 3, he actually done everything in sets of 3 and he would calculate his environment to make sure everything around him worked in line with this mystical number.

Perhaps some of his behavior was the result of obsessive-compulsive disorder and superstition, but as seen by his achievements there was a lot more method to some of his madness, and the truth to this is explored in this video.

“If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla