Truth Theory


We currently live in a society that is over stimulated, undernourished and expected to sit still and not make too much of a fuss. I recently spent some time in Peru and one of the things I noticed is they allow children to get on with things. Kids are running around the streets doing flips, handstands and playing football. In a store you will see kids walking down aisles picking things up and curiously exploring. Other adults talk to the kids and there is not the incessant need to control. This is a far cry from what I am used to in the UK and what seems to be the trend in the US also. One of the things that is really upsetting is the need for children to be still. I was at a school assembly for my son recently and the teachers are obsessed with the children being silent and not moving. Could you imagine this anywhere else? When do we ever sit still, in a non interactive and silence way for long periods of time? There are some exceptions for this of course, but it is pretty exhausting to be silent and still, day in, day out. This spills out onto society and what is expected manifests into external expectations of our children. This often leaves parents feeling hopeless and unsure of how best to raise their children.

The following facebook post came from a young single Mum who was struggling in a supermarket and was verbally attacked:

It finally happened. As I stood in the customer service line of Walmart to cash my paycheck with a cart of groceries(and some wine), Sophie sat/stood/did heads stands in the cart, whining over a bag of chips I took away and because she called me a butthole in line. She’s relentless. I know this. I live with it. Her ADHD and obsessive little heart gets on these subjects of things she finds unjust and wrong and it doesn’t stop until she eventually falls asleep or something very dramatic happens to snatch the attention off the obsessed about subject. We stood in line for several minutes, me ignoring her whining and refusing to give in. What’s giving in to bad behavior going to do but reinforce the bad behavior? I’ve walked out of stores hundreds of times because of her. Almost every time, actually, I end up leaving with nothing I came for and a tantrum having four year attached to my hand and a baby on my hip, but this time I had to stick it out to get the groceries. I tell her for the tenth time to sit down so she doesn’t fall and the next thing I hear is a woman behind me in line saying “oh, for Christ’s sake give her a cookie so she’ll shut up!”. I could’ve responded in a nicer way. I could’ve explained to her that my four year old has pretty severe ADHD, I raise both my children alone, I’m doing my best, and had no choice but to wait it out for the groceries. Instead, I heard “she’s four years old and you need to mind your own f***ing business” come out of my mouth. I kept my composure until I finished what I was doing and walked to self check out so I could avoid facing anyone else as “that person”. The person with the misbehaving child. The person who seems lazy because they’re ignoring the behavior. The person who knows doing anything but ignoring it is only going to make it worse. By the time I made it to self check out, tears are pouring down my face. I’ve lost it. I’m angry, my feelings are hurt, I’m offended, and I’m just freakin sad that I can’t have one good experience in a store with my children. As I scan my things, a woman walks up and begins to talk to Sophie. She asks her questions to distract her, but backs me up when Sophie begins to go on about wanting the chips. “No, you can’t have those today. You have to be good for your mommy. She needs you to be good for her. I have a little girl just like you. How old are you? How old is brother?”. Honestly, this woman could’ve been the antichrist and I would’ve had more appreciation for her kindness and compassion than I have for anyone else I’ve ever encountered. It only takes one comment to break someone down. You never know what someone’s going through. You never know the problems a child has that causes them to misbehave and unless you know the struggle of being a parent to a child like mine, you cannot judge me. But It also takes one small act of kindness to make a mama feel comfort and validation. Thank you to the woman in Walmart today, for showing that kindness to my children and I. Thank you for walking us out. Thank you for backing me up. Mamas have to stick together.#lovewhatmatters #MamasUnite

This story had a happy ending and I like to believe that for every person who is inconsiderate of someone who is struggling there is at least 10 people who care. Apathy is the problem and the sooner we speak up in the face of injustice the sooner we encourage others will follow suit and do the same- the takeaway from this, is you can and should speak up and be that ray of light that is needed in times like these! Please share this beautiful story!

I am Luke Miller the author of this article, and creator of Potential For Change. I like to blend psychology and spirituality to help you create more happiness in your life.

Truth Theory


Could adopting a vegetarian diet reduce the number of premature deaths worldwide? According to researchers with Harvard University, the answer is a resounding “yes.”

Dr. Walter Willett, a professor epidemiology and nutrition with the university, says the benefits of a plant-based diet is vastly underestimated. This is because he and his colleagues concluded that up to one-third of early deaths — or approximately 200,000 lives each year — could be prevented if everyone were to adopt a vegetarian diet.

Said Willett, at the Unite to Cure Fourth International Vatican Conference in Vatican City: “We have just been doing some calculations looking at the question of how much could we reduce mortality shifting towards a healthy, more plant based diet, not necessarily totally vegan, and our estimates are about one third of deaths could be prevented.”

“That’s not even talking about physical activity or not smoking, and that’s all deaths, not just cancer deaths. That’s probably an underestimate as well as that doesn’t take into account the fact that obesity is important and we control for obesity,” he added. “When we start to look at it we see that healthy diet is related to a lower risk of almost everything that we look at. Perhaps not too surprising because everything in the body is connected by the same underlying processes.”

At the same conference, Professor David Jenkins of the University of Toronto (who is credited with developing the glycemic index), said the benefits of consuming a vegetarian diet have been “undersold.” As The Telegraph reports, Jenkins said human health would improve if a “simian” diet were to be adopted. Unlike the “paleo” diet which cuts carbohydrates but allows meat, the “simian” diet is rich in stems, leaves, vines, and fruit.

After traveling to central Africa to study the feeding habits of gorillas, Jenkins and his colleagues recreated the diet for humans — which amounted to 63 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. When the unconventional diet was adopted, participants experienced a 35 percent fall in cholesterol in just two weeks.”

Said Jenkins: “That was quite dramatic. We showed that there was no real difference between what we got with the diet and what we got with a statin.”

“We’re saying you’ve got a choice, you can change your diet to therapeutically meaningful change or you can take a statin. Drug or diet,” he added.

Now that researchers with Harvard University recommend adopting a plant-based diet, hopefully the masses will consider adding more fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds into their diets.

Truth Theory


A DMT church in Winnipeg, Canada was recently granted a government exemption to legally import and use Daime tea, which is a DMT-based brew very similar to ayahuasca, but a little bit less potent. The church is called “The Centre for Universal Illumination Luz Divina” and it is one of six churches in Canada that have received special permission from the government to use DMT.

Vice has indicated that the churches will also be serving ayahuasca, but the report is unclear because the terms ayahuasca and Daime are used interchangeably. While each brew contains the same ingredients, ayahuasca tends to be stronger and contain more DMT than Daime tea.

Either brew will be legal for these churches to serve under their special permissions, but shamans associated with the Santo Daime religion are known to have a very specific recipe. During Santo Daime religious services, the brew is usually ingested in small doses spread out over a few hours, while ayahuasca is typically consumed in larger doses in a shorter amount of time.

Santo Daime churches have also silently traveled the United States in recent years, operating legally but still maintaining a low profile by doing pop-up services and retreats instead of keeping a permanent address. The church has run into trouble with the law in the past, but after winning a battle against the government in the US supreme court, they are able to operate legally in the country.

Last year, a friend told me about a Santo Daime service that was taking place in rural Maryland, not far from where I live. It was not something that was advertised to the public, but there was a close-knit community that arrived for the service, and all of them seemed to be taking the spiritual aspect of the experience very seriously. In fact, it was basically a day-long church service, in which everyone was dancing around and chanting in Portuguese, then stopping to line up for a shot of the psychedelic brew every hour or so. I was told that some events are more laid back than the one I visited, but it seemed like a very safe environment with a genuinely spiritual staff.

Truth Theory


In the 21st century, the name of the ‘Son of God’ has been synonymous with Jesus. But, several theologians and historians show that the very name of Jesus has gone through multiple translations and alterations over the centuries. This implies that Jesus’ real name is actually not Jesus, but some ancient name that is different in different regions. In ancient Greek, the real name is Iesous. In other Hebrew texts, the name of Jesus is Joshua. And in multiple versions of the Bible- the New Testament- the name of Jesus is Hoshea. This name is in itself a variant of the name Jehoshua. The latter predates the mass exodus of the Jews centuries before he was even born, which then evolved to Jeshua, and finally- Jesus. Needless to say, this name has been in usage since modern times as his devotees call him by it.


Interestingly, there is a certain section of the Christian population that believes that when people call out to Jesus- their Son, they are actually worshipping the wrong person. Jesus’ real name is Joshua or Yeshua- not Jesus- which leads to some Christians commenting on the veracity of their Gods. For example, Messianic Jews believe in worshipping Yeshua, rather than Jesus.

Some believe that Jesus’ real name wasn’t given to him by his parents, the name was a ‘command from the Heavens’. It should also be mentioned that Christ’s name was not at all unique, and there were quite a lot of people who had the name Yeshua or Joshua. During the second century AD, the name Joshua or Yeshua was quite common among the Jewish population. Therefore, in order to differentiate between them and the “real Jesus”, several Biblical texts changed the name to Jesus of Nazareth. He himself was born among humans who had the same name as he did.


According to multiple theologians who have worked on Biblical texts, the name of Jesus has quite a vibrant etymological and historical background associated with it. Jesus is the Grecian form of the Hebrew name that was ascribed to Joshua, the son of Nun, and the great Israelite leader. Apparently, Jesus’ parents also decided to call him Hoshea or O’Shea in this Jewish tradition. In the Bible, Joshua succeeded Moses as the Lord’s Servant. He managed to bring Israel to the promised land as he had sworn to Abraham, and was a very important figure to Hebrews all over the world. From an etymological standpoint, when the word Jesus is broken down- it means ‘Lord is Salvation’.

When it comes to matters of Theology, it is advised that religious texts not be translated on the basis of their etymological meaning- but rather the purpose behind the name.


Jesus’ real name is usually used for identifying Christ as the Son and Servant of God who would show the path to God to other people. This not only speaks volumes about the omnipotence that Christ has, but it also indicates how favorable he is to his believers. Therefore, it is understood that while Jesus is a distinctly human name, the translation and use suggest that God has come to mortals in this form. Regardless, several questions have been raised about the name. Some people believe that Jesus’ real name is actually Yeshua. Other Christians believe that the name is nothing but an error- and somehow equate calling Christ by Jesus as calling God by the name of Zeus- the Greek God. It is possible that people who think they pray to Jesus do not pray to the actual Jesus but to someone else.

Now, while Zeus and Jesus sound similar when one is pronouncing them, the similarities end there. The name Jesus has absolutely no connection with the Greek God of thunder, with the latter being connected to a completely different form of life and worship.

Truth Theory



Walmart Employee Quits 1

Employee resignations come in all shapes and forms, and sometimes they are not on the best of terms. This is even more frequent in the customer service sector. Dealing with all kinds of customers (some of whom are quite impolite) is hard enough, let alone having to deal with the horrible working conditions as well. A Walmart employee just had enough of it and resigned in a spectacular manner over the loudspeaker in the store.

Beth McGrath, who hails from Louisiana, shared a video on her Facebook account showing the amazing resignation. The video shows her dressed in the typical black uniform for a Walmart employee. She steadied her breath and then started talking to all who were present in the outlet over the store’s PA system.


She politely drew the attention of her Walmart associates and shoppers there. She introduced herself as Beth from the electronics section. Beth then talked about being a Walmart employee for nearly 5 years. She also revealed that every Walmart employee at the outlet was underpaid and overworked. Here’s the full resignation video

Her epic rant continued by explaining how the employees are treated poorly by both customers and management every day. Moreover, when they try to raise an issue with it, they are shown that they can be replaced. She then continued and said that this constant gaslighting has become too much for her. Plus, the elderly associates are treated “like s**t” by the company.

But Beth McGrath was far from done. She then went on to talk about the misdemeanor of the store’s management team. She called one of them a “pervert”. Beth also called out two others on how they behaved with her co-workers. She said that they should be ashamed of how they treat their associates. She hoped that they did not behave in the same way with their families, it was so bad.

Beth wrapped up her rant by listing her colleagues’ names and promising to support all of them. In the end, she said that Walmart is undeserving of its good nature. Her conclusion was simple: “F**k management, and f**k this job, I quit.”


Beth McGrath received tremendous support for her outrage at Walmart. Her post has gained over 3,700 comments and 150,000 views when the article was being written. One of the comments considered her a hero. Another talked about how life is too short to be spent working for such people. A third even offered her a job, if she needed one. The post was soon shared on Twitter, where the reaction was expectedly similar.

One day later, the ex-Walmart employee followed up on her resignation video. She expressed her gratitude for all the donations and support she received. She talked about being on a rollercoaster of emotions during the whole experience and she had run out of words.

McGrath said that her video was not for gaining fame. All she wanted was to let her co-workers know of her love and that she has their best in mind. She wanted to be her co-workers’ voice, as well as her own. She concluded the follow-up video by giving a golden piece of advice: to never be afraid of speaking your piece, even if, at first, it breaks you down.

Another Walmart employee had done a similar resignation in November 2020. It seems the issue at hand is much larger.


Truth Theory


The demise of the longest-serving British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is an undoubtedly mournful event. However, the death heralds an unprecedented question over the role and presence of the British Empire in today’s world – particularly, their material possessions.

Queen Elizabeth’s demise at the age of 96 at Scotland’s Balmoral Castle on September 8th had made many crowds the London streets surrounding Buckingham Palace. Loving respect and condolences have flooded Windsor Castle as well as social media. However, there’s another reaction to the event that stems from the British Empire’s long colonial history.

The British Empire’s list of colonies is long and includes some of the biggest modern-day countries like India. As such, during their reign over the colonial territories, the British Empire has been accused of “looting” national treasures of the territories and using them to adorn their own royalty.

One of the biggest examples in this regard is the Koh-i-Noor diamond. The 105-carat diamond is among the world’s biggest and clears cut diamonds, and was acquired from India. It has been the centerpiece for the crown of the female monarchs of the British Empire for well over a century. To this day, it still sits there.

The second prominent example is the Great Star of Africa, which was acquired from South Africa. Known as the Cullinan I, it adorns the Sovereign’s Sceptre. Both of these crown jewels are presently on display at the Museum at the Tower of London.


The Koh-i-Noor’s worth is estimated to be about $140 to $400 million. However, because of its historical significance, it is impossible to evaluate its worth accurately. Its history is believed to begin about 5 millennia ago. A script in Sanskrit is believed to have mentioned it and called it the “Syamantaka”.

After that, the exact ownership is unknown. However, as per historical reports, the Rajas of Malwa are believed to have owned it until 1304. Following that, Alaudin Khilji, the Emperor of Delhi, is believed to be the next owner. For the following 3 centuries, since 1339, the diamond’s residence is believed to have been Samarkand.

This finally changed in 1849, when the forces of the British Empire conquered the territory of Punjab, and officially claimed it as under the rule of the British East India Company. Subsequently, the diamond found its way to Britain and was gifted to Queen Victoria in 1850.

She had the royal jewelers cut it into a centerpiece for her crown. The Queen proudly wore it as well, till her death. However, she left behind a curious instruction – only a female monarch or the head of the state’s wife is to wear the jewel. After her demise, it remained as part of the British Crown Jewels, even though India gained independence from British Rule.


According to the website of the Tower of London, the Crown Jewels are the British Monarch’s “most powerful symbols”. As such, to the British, they hold immense cultural and religious significance. The monarchy, themselves, has maintained that the diamond was “gifted” to them.

However, India, as well as Afghanistan and Pakistan have all repeatedly contested the jewel’s ownership with the British Empire. With the demise of Queen Elizabeth, the calls have risen once more to return the diamond to their rightful owners, for these nations believe the diamond was “looted” from them. Similar to the Koh-i-Noor, South Africa also wants the Great Star of Africa back, which the African Archives claim was “stolen” from their mines in 1905. According to the same tweet, this diamond has an estimated $400 million cost as well.

With the change in the guard of the British Monarchy after an immense amount of time, perhaps such calls will become even louder. Even more so, perhaps, because the modern world seems to have moved so far away from the grandeur of monarchy.

Truth Theory


Living as a renter in an expensive city like London can’t be easy for a large portion of the population. This is why Harrison, an artist, lives in a skip in London where he pays a meager rent of £50 per month. When one steps into his skip, they would find a kitchen and a living space attached. The kitchen is lined with shelves where he keeps his Hob stoves, a mini fridge, and the cutlery. In order to make the skip a little aesthetic, he has also lined the walls with artwork from his friends and family. Above the kitchen is his bedroom- which he considers to be quite cozy. Harrison claims that not only is this tiny skip his house- but it is also a statement against the increasing cost of living in the country. Harrison states, “This project was a way through which I could find- almost like a loophole that would give me a space to live for less money in a very great location and equally make a statement at the same time.”


The entrance to this skip in London is definitely not very comfortable- but one can make do with it. Harrison’s bed is situated right at the top, which he climbs through a ladder, and is lined with cabinets for clothes, tools, and other paraphernalia. The artist had been working overseas and had recently returned to London. As most people usually do, he had to start searching for rooms in London- which are definitely quite expensive and few in quantity. There were other issues as well- Harrison had a budget, and even if he found a place that was at a great location and ticked all the boxes- it was quite possible that a lot of other people were also looking for the same. If one had to secure that room, they would have to pay the deposit within 5 minutes or lose it.

The artist who lives in a skip in London mentioned that this was the area where he had grown up. He also knew most of his neighbors around- whose children had to move to the outskirts of the city because the rates were so unaffordable. For his skip, Harrison had to pay £4000 for all the furnishings inside the skip- the bedding, the food, and the lodging. But apart from that, the cost of maintenance and upkeep for the skip was just £50. The cost is low because the land belonged to an Arts charity called Anti-Bavilion. This meant that the project was more of an art project than a scalable project. Previously, Harrison would borrow water from the neighbor’s hose pipe, but as it turned out, he was about to receive electricity inside his skip, so he will be able to cook properly without any trouble. For personal hygiene, Harrison usually showered at his workplace, or at the gym.


While it was definitely affordable to live in a skip in London, it probably wouldn’t assist in any romantic entanglements. Harrison mentioned that although he was currently single, he knew it would have been a problem otherwise. Most partners would be curious to check the skip out because it was a comparatively new concept, but none of them would want to stay over for lack of a shower and proper washroom. But Harrison isn’t deterred. He wants to stay in this skip for over a year- simply because it is unique and extremely affordable. He has also planned on moving his skip to other locations in the city if the opportunity arose. 

Harrison’s life at this skip began during the colder months of the year, and he had no access to electricity- so he has already seen the worst. He hopes that as we move towards spring, he would have it comparatively easy- with the garden coming to use. One worry that Harrison would still have is the heat inside the small skip- especially during the months when it became too hot to stay inside a house. He stated, “The purpose of this project is to push a bit more creative thinking around housing and how it can be done. The way in which social housing has been done has become much more of a tick box exercise for developers rather than something people or governments truly believe in or put their money in.”

Make sure you follow Harrison’s journey on Instagram

Truth Theory


Malleus Maleficarum, a 15th century witch hunting manual, described how witches kept ‘live’ wriggling penises as pets.

The witches were said to have kept the penises in nests in trees and to have fed them oats.

Written by Catholic clergyman Heinrich Kramer, Malleus Maleficarum is of course today regarded as misogynistic nonsense.

However, centuries ago, such books would have resulted in the gruesome murders of women accused of being witches.

Folklorist Moira Smith has highlighted some of particularly crazy rants made by Kramer in her paper titled Penis Theft in the Malleus Maleficarum.

“Many of the crimes (maleficia) attributed to witches concerned sexuality: copulation with incubus devils, procuring abortions, causing sterility and stillbirth, and impeding sexual relations between husbands and wives,” Smith wrote.

The historian highlights three cases from the book about disappearing penises. In the first two examples, the genitals simply ‘magically’ vanish. In the third case, its mentioned that witches keep the penises as pets and feed them oats and other grains.

“[W]hat shall we think about those witches who somehow take members in large numbers —twenty or thirty, and shut them up together in a birds’ nest or some box, where they move about like living members, eating oats or other feed?” read part of an exert from Kramer’s book.

“This has been seen by many and is a matter of common talk. It is said that it is all done by devil’s work and illusion, for the senses of those who see [the penises] are deluded in the way we have said.”

Kramer also writes about one man who asked a witch if he could reclaim his missing member. He was instructed to climb a particular tree and pick a penis from the nest. Only to be told the large one he had chosen actually belonged to a priest.


Other phallic fantasies from the middle ages include various fables about trees sprouting penises.

In 2000, archaeologists in Tuscany found a huge mural from the 13th century showing a tree covered in male sex organs. Next to the tree’s roots are eight women, two of whom are fighting for a penis and one who is trying to use a stick to knock another woman off a branch.

It’s clearly all complete nonsense. Yet such crazy tales resulted in witches getting executed and allowed men to ‘justify’ their poor treatment of women as subservient beings.

Perhaps the lesson to learn here – in today’s world of fake news and media manipulation – is the power of propaganda.

IMAGE FEATURED: Jose Antonio Garcia Sosa,  9nong

Truth Theory


Gosia Duszak is a YouTuber who claims to be in contact with a group of extraterrestrials from the Pleiades constellation. On her YouTube channel, she shares communication that she receives from them. Many people might dismiss such claims as nonsense, but even our governments have become more open about their knowledge of extraterrestrial life in recent years.

Recently, for example, a former Air Force intelligence officer publicly revealed that “an extraterrestrial body has been recovered” Countless high-profile officials came forward in recent years and shared their knowledge of UFO visitation and alien contact. People like Bob Lazar have revealed to the world how UFO propulsion systems work. His case is very compelling; he is an engineer who allegedly worked on the reverse engineering of UFOs, and his story is presented in the documentary “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers.”

The content that Gosia shares on her YouTube channel is very interesting. One of the more intriguing topics is the information about some of the alien races present in our galaxy.

According to the information she has received, life is not rare in the universe but is everywhere, as “everything is consciousness” in a different form. This is something that most ancients knew. For example, in hermetic philosophy with its roots in ancient Egypt, one of the principles talks about the principle of mentalism, meaning that all is mind. The idea is that the universe and everything constitute one mind, one organism expressing itself in different forms and fragments. You could think of a body that is made up of cells, microbes, and so on. All these smaller units and microorganisms create a larger organism together; this is the underlying concept.


Another intriguing piece of information provided is that humanoid races are not unique to Earth. They claim that the original humans came from the Lyra constellation and are now spread all around the galaxy. We are their ancestors. They claim that there are at least 400 thousand humanoid civilizations in our galaxy alone.



Arcturians possess more amphibian DNA; they are apparently one of the most advanced technologically and spiritually evolved races. They do not have distinct males or females but exist as a single gender, and their reproduction is asexual; they reproduce through auto-cloning.


Andromedans destroyed their home planet earlier in their evolution due to internal conflicts, leading to its destruction. They often employ bio ships capable of accommodating millions of inhabitants. These ships can be formed inside meteorites, for instance. The Hindu god Shiva is said to have originated from the Andromedan civilization.


Urmahs resemble humanoid lions or tigers. They primarily communicate through telepathy and are carnivorous, but they apparently create synthetic meat.

Gosia frequently discusses The Galactic Federation, where numerous races strive to collaborate. This could be likened to the United Nations on Earth. Interestingly, she is not the only one discussing this topic. The former Israeli Space Chief also revealed that the US and Israeli governments are aware of this federation and have had contact with them.

We interviewed Gosia last year, check out our interview here:

Truth Theory


No one really likes to be overweight, but the life one lead can contribute quite heavily to how they shape up physically. And once one starts gaining weight exponentially, it is quite difficult to lose it. This is why people sometimes take extreme steps to reduce weight- surgery, consuming innumerable pills, and generally putting themselves through hell. Interestingly, one individual who weighed around 400 pounds used a completely different method for losing weight, and according to him, it worked! This man used visualization techniques to lose weight, after consulting a lot of doctors with no results to show for it. The man shared that even after a meeting with famed Dr. Atkins, he wasn’t able to lose weight. 

This is when he started visualization techniques. His techniques involved imagining exactly what sort of a body he wanted- the tight stomach muscles, the tight skin, no loose folds, and he didn’t want to go through the medical industry again, only to fail. The individual further claimed that he used to go to sleep every night visualizing the body that he wanted, and he started noticing after just a few days. He stopped being hungry during the day and stopped his cravings for junk food. Not just that, he also looked out for people with a similar mindset, who would be able to help him in his journey, and things started looking up for him finally.

The man lost 220 pounds over two and a half years and got the look that he had always desired. What was particularly interesting was that the body that the individual wanted was down to the last muscle size. His visualization techniques were so successful, that he got the body that he always wanted, and lost weight in the process, without having to go through a medical ringer.


According to this individual, visualization techniques basically imply the presence and usage of symbols as a mode of communication. This is expressly important if one wants to know where one stands, and has no idea how to go about it. In the case of the human body, people often forget that it is not just a working machine- it is actually a living consciousness, and we simply don’t know how to communicate with it. As it stands, we won’t be able to speak to it in English, so the only reliable tool at our disposal is the visualization techniques.

This further means that the visualization techniques that we use need to be more than just material or superficial desires. If you are unwilling to work, and simply imagine yourself in a beach body in the next 6 months, that is not going to work. The body doesn’t have a relative concept of time as the brain does, and it doesn’t understand what a beach is. We reiterate the body doesn’t speak any human language, and our inability to communicate with our body can often be detrimental to our well-being.

This is when we start using symbols and signs because that is a suitable mode of communication. Our body understands what we want over a period of time if we are able to showcase which body we actually want. This has the same principle that we see in sports- the mind-muscle connection. Sometimes, our instincts and our bodies are so in sync through visualization that we are able to perform sporting activities at peak physical fitness. When we are able to communicate with our body better, we are able to utilize the hormonal, as well as the neuronal changes that help us deal with the requirements placed before us.


With the advancement of science and technology, humans have somewhat stopped using their creative juices and faculties. Humans have stopped imagining, something that is still prevalent in indigenous communities around the world. Even as kids, we used visualization to dream, to concoct stories, and it is this creative faculty of life that sets the dial for the body to move on its own accord. With visualization techniques, one imagines how their day is going to turn out, and how they want to perform activities. Visualization techniques, or the creative principle allow one to tap into the potential that we have no idea about. We might have lost it somewhere amidst the advancements made in technology, but it is still there inside all of us.

For those wondering how it works, visualization techniques work by addressing the root of our stress- which is a structure in the brain called the amygdala. When an individual is under chronic stress, the brain ends up producing catecholamines, which are chemical messengers, that head for the amygdala. And according to neuroscientists, this structure does play quite a crucial role in generating emotions. In a situation that is quite necessarily stressful, the chemical messengers direct the amygdala to emit worry and fear. When one calms down their stress response with these techniques, they also end up reducing the flow of pro-inflammatory cytokines and stress hormones.

Research has also noted that visualization techniques such as guided-imagery meditation could be developed to be of therapeutic benefit in multiple chronic inflammatory conditions. These conditions include some of the most troubling chronic inflammatory conditions of all: weight gain, hunger, and obesity. And as it turns out, not just everyday humans, but legends in the sporting industry are also known to practice visualization. One simply has to turn towards nine-time gold medal-winning sprinter Carl Lewis, and golfing legend Tiger Woods, who practice visualization and credit a major part of their success to this mind-body connection that they have.

Visualization techniques to lose weight can be quite simple if one understands the way to go through it. To put it clearly, if one is trying to lose weight, they owe it to themselves to try out the technique before resorting to medical jargon. People barely understand the power of visualization- for if they do, they will end up being the best possible versions of themselves that they could ever be.

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, only an account of one individual