
The Remarkable North American P-82 Twin Mustang Was Two Aircraft In One

The North American P-82 Twin Mustang may be one of the strangest and most remarkable piston-engine aircraft ever produced. Its connected wing and double fuselages look like something straight out of someone’s imagination, but the aircraft was actually a very reliable long-range bomber escort that could also be employed as a fighter, long-range reconnaissance aircraft, night fighter, attack bomber, rocket fighter and interceptor.

The development of jet technology forced the P-82 into retirement, but its short service life was filled with a number of accomplishments.

The twin-fuselage was the solution

North American P-82 Twin Mustang in flight
Photo Credit: Camerique / Getty Images

During the Second World War, the United States was in need of a long-range, high-altitude bomber escort for the Boeing B-29 Superfortress. Until 1943, there had been no such aircraft that could accommodate these long-range requirements, so one needed to be designed. How would they extend the range of one aircraft to 2,300 miles? Combine two into one, of course.

The North American P-82 Twin Mustang combined two elongated North American P-51 Mustangs side-by-side, connected by a center wing. The unique frame had two fuselages to meet the long-range requirements of the US Air Force. Two aircraft meant twice the range of one standard escort, and despite the P-82’s bulky weight of around 24,000 pounds, it was fast and nimble, capable of reaching speeds of over 475 MPH.

Three variations of the P-82 were developed, and the remarkable aircraft saw its first flight on June 15, 1945. The Air Force ordered 250 of them in 1947, and the aircraft eventually became the standard long-range, high-altitude escort fighter for the service.

Who flew the North American P-82 Twin Mustang?

North American P-82B Twin Mustang parked on the runway
Photo Credit: US Air Force / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

With two fuselages, you may be wondering who actually flew the P-82 Twin Mustang. In the earliest variation of the aircraft, known as the F-82, the two fuselages were manned by two pilots who were both equipped with the necessary equipment to maneuver it. This way, the two could interchange their roles (piloting and sleeping) during long flights.

In the later models, the left fuselage became the pilot’s cockpit, equipped with the normal flight and engine instruments. The right became the radar operator’s cockpit. This was equipped with the necessary instruments, as well as the basic controls for pilot relief and emergency operations.

A record-breaking flight

North American P-82 Twin Mustang "Betty Jo" on display
North American P-82 Twin Mustang known as Betty Jo. (Photo Credit: Alvintrusty / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0)

In a test of the long-range capabilities of the P-82 Twin Mustang, a single aircraft flew non-stop from Hickam Field, Hawaii to New York City’s LaGuardia Airport in 1947. The distance was more than 5,000 miles, and the aircraft began its journey on February 27.

Lt. Col. Robert E. Thacker, along with co-pilot Lt. John M. Ard, flew the P-82, named Betty Jo, across the US. The flight took just over 14 hours to complete, at an average speed of around 347 MPH, and holds the record for the longest non-stop flight of a piston-engined/propellor-driven military fighter aircraft.

The North American P-82 Twin Mustang was a killer over Korea

North American P-82 Twin Mustang in flight
Photo Credit: FPG / Getty Images

World War II ended before the P-82 Twin Mustang entered production, meaning the project was under threat of being cancelled. However, the lack of sufficient jet aircraft technology and the rising tensions of the Cold War called for this final piston-engine fighter to be ordered into production.

Some P-82s were then stationed in Japan and Okinawa, and were actually the first to respond to the Communist invasion of South Korea in 1950. Within hours, P-82s from the US Air Force’s 68th Fighter Squadron were flying combat patrols over the 38th Parallel. The next day, two drove a formation of fighters away from the harbor at Inchon.
Not even 24 hours later, a formation of P-82s engaged and destroyed three North Korean warplanes, claiming the first air-to-air kills of the war.

The North American P-82 Twin Mustang is on display

North American P-82 Twin Mustang in Flight
Photo Credit: United States Air Force / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

By late 1951, jet fighters began to dominate the Korean War. As a result, the P-82 Twin Mustang as pulled from frontline service. Variants that were equipped for cold weather conditions continued to fly for the Alaskan Air Command for a couple of years, but by November 1953, the aircraft was officially retired.

Almost all P-82s were scrapped following their retirement. However, five still exist. Three sit on display in museums around the US, including the record-holding Betty Jo at the National Museum of the US Air Force in Dayton, Ohio. The other two are being restored.
In fact, one was even put up for sale in 2020 for a mere $12,000,000. If you’ve got the cash and someone willing to co-pilot, flying a remarkable P-82 Twin Mustang could be a dream come true.

Northrop F-89 Scorpions Once Carried Nuclear Weapons to Combat Soviet Bombers

During the Cold War, the US Air Force was in need of a new interceptor aircraft to combat Soviet bombers. The Northrop F-89 Scorpion was the answer, and a modified version became the first and only aircraft to fly and detonate a nuclear-tipped rocket. The power and danger of nuclear weapons became understood with time, meaning just one of the F-89J’s nuclear rockets was ever detonated.

Development of the Northrop F-89 Scorpion

Northrop F-89D Scorpion parked outside of the 138th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, New York Air National Guard's aircraft hangar
Northrop F-89D Scorpion. (Photo Credit: Isham, Marty / United States Air Force / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The Northrop F-89 Scorpion was designed as an all-weather, two-seater, jet-powered fighter-type interceptor aircraft. It was developed for use by the US Air Force as a night fighter, to replace the propellor-driven Northrop P-61 Black Widow and the North American P-82 Twin Mustang. The F-89 was commissioned in 1945, and the first prototype, the XP-89, flew in 1948. By September 1950, the aircraft was officially introduced as the Air Force’s newest dedicated interceptor.

The F-89 was fitted to house a radar operator in the rear seat to help the pilot locate, intercept and destroy enemy aircraft. The aircraft had a cruising speed of 465 MPH and a maximum speed of 627 MPH, with a range of 1,600 miles. With a wingspan of over 59 feet, the F-89 was an impressive interceptor that offered a lot of promise, and Northrop built 1,050.

Modifications to create the Northrop F-89J Scorpion

Northrop F-89J Scorpion on display
Northrop F-89J Scorpion on display at the National Museum of the US Air Force. (Photo Credit: Greg Goebe / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 2.0)

Multiple variations of the F-89 were developed during its years of production. Models -B through -D were built, while -E through -G were paper studies only. Aircraft production of the F-89H variant sported redesigned wingtip pods, but it was the F-89D that became the major production model, with 682 built.

The F-89D was further modified to become the F-89J, in what was called Project Ding Dong. The F-89J was intended and built to support the mounting of two MB-1 (later AIR-2) Genie nuclear-tipped air-to-air rockets under its wings, as well as four Falcon air-to-air missiles. A total of 350 were built, and it became the first operational combat-level aircraft to be outfitted with air-to-air nuclear weaponry.

Operation Plumbbob

Northrop F-89J Scorpion in flight
Launch of an MB-1 Genie nuclear-tipped air-to-air rocket from a Northrop F-89J Scorpion during Operation Plumbbob. (Photo Credit: National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

From May to October 1957, the US conducted a series of nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site. Dubbed Operation Plumbbob, it featured 29 explosions (27 of which produced a nuclear yield) and contributed to the development of warheads for intermediate and intercontinental range missiles, as well as those used for anti-submarine and air defense purposes.

On July 19, 1957, an F-89J Scorpion was flown over Yucca Flat. Five Air Force officers and a civilian defense photographer watched as the aircraft flew overhead, equipped with two 820-pound MB-1 Genie rockets topped with W25 warheads. Following a countdown, pilot Capt. Eric W. Hutchison and radar intercept officer Capt. Alfred C. Barbee shot one of the rockets forward. After its release, the aircraft turned around and flew in the opposite direction.
After 12 seconds, the MB-1 Genie rocket had traveled six miles, and the fire control system onboard the F-89J transmitted a radio signal to detonate the warhead’s fuse. The rocket then erupted into a nuclear fireball. The strength of the explosion was estimated to be one-tenth of that of the nuclear bomb Little Boy, which was dropped over Hiroshima.

An MB-1 Genie rocket was never detonated again

Northrop F-89J Scorpion parked on the runway
Test of an MB-1 Genie nuclear-tipped air-to-air rocket, July 19, 1957. (Photo Credit: National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki proved it only took one nuclear weapon to decimate an entire city. The destruction was unimaginable, and the after-effects of the nuclear radiation plagued survivors.

Despite the obvious magnitude of danger surrounding nuclear weapons, their use was not yet considered taboo; many military planners believed they’d be mounted and employed on all military vehicles. This gave way to the modified F-89J. However, precision targeting technologies were still being developed and the idea of shooting a nuclear rocket in the general direction of an enemy aircraft was too dangerous and messy.
An MB-1 Genie nuclear rocket was never detonated again following the test on July 19, 1957. All six of the observers at the testing site were later diagnosed with cancer – however, it isn’t clear if their illnesses were the direct result of their exposure to the detonation.
The F-89J served with the Air Defense Command, later renamed the Aerospace Defense Command (ADC), until 1959 and with the Air National Guard for another decade. Over time, support for the aircraft diminished, leading to its retirement in 1969.

The Douglas A-1 Skyraider: The Best Attack Plane Ever Made

The Douglas A-1 Skyraider was not only an integral aircraft used following WWII, but it was also a deadly weapon capable of eviscerating the enemy into nothing more than a grease spot – making it one of the best attack planes of all time.

The A-1 (formerly known as the AD Skyraider) is a single-seat attack aircraft that saw service from 1946 until the 1980s. The piston-engined, American-designed plane’s ability to carry large amounts of weapons over a long period of time made it especially powerful during the Southeast Asia War. It provided close air support to ground forces, escorted helicopters during rescue missions, and attacked enemy supply lines.

An A-1 Skyraider drops two bombs over the smoky Vietnam hillside
A Douglas A-1 Skyraider drops two napalm bombs over Vietnam, 1967 – cropped from the original. (Photo Credit: United States Air Force / United States Library of Congress / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

With a maximum speed of 322 miles per hour, a range of 1,316 miles, and an armament complete with an array of bombs, rockets, cannons, and guns the A-1 was extremely successful at navigating guerrilla war tactics in the Korean War. However, it was ultimately phased out in favor of more advanced jet aircraft.

Development of the Skyraider

The Douglas Skyraider was first developed during WWII to meet the needs of the US Navy – which had realized that carrier air wings needed to change due to new weapons advancements. Designed by Ed Heinemann from the Douglas Aircraft Company, the first A-1 prototype, XBT2D-1, was ordered in July 1944.

One of the original prototypes of the Skyraider developed by Douglas
The Douglas XBT2D-1 Skyraider prototype, circa 1946. (Photo Credit: NASA / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

By December 1946, the XBT2D-1 was re-designated the AD-1 and put into production. The Skyraider, also affectionately called “the Spad” after the WWI French biplane, combined the stamina of larger planes with the maneuverability of smaller aircraft.

Equipped with fifteen hardpoints, it could carry a large amount of ordnance over a longer period of time, while still easily maneuverable at low speeds. Unlike faster fighter planes like Vought F4U Corsair, the A-1 was well suited to ground attacks.

A Douglas A-1 Skyraider equipped with rocket launchers
A U. S. Air Force Douglas A-1E Skyraider armed with six LAU-3 rocket launchers in Vietnam. (Photo Credit: Pictures From History / Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Before production ended in 1957, Douglas manufactured a total of 3,180 Skyraiders in 28 variations for a variety of situations like carrier-based aircraft, attack bombing, reconnaissance, airborne early warnings, and search missions.

The Korean War saw 128 planes lost

The first Skyraiders arrived at the Korean Peninsula in 1950, and by 1955 29 Skyraider squadrons were serving the U.S. Navy in Korea. In 1962, the aircraft was re-designated A-1D/A-1J. The A-1 became a valuable asset to the United States at the start of the Korean War thanks to its impressive weapons load and flying time which surpassed most other jets at the time – a whopping 10 hours of flight at a time.

A blue Douglas AD-4 Skyraider taking off from a aircraft carrier during the Korean War
A U.S. Navy Douglas AD-4 Skyraider of attack squadron VA-195 Dambusters taking off the aircraft carrier USS Princeton (CV-37) during the Korean War, circa 1952. (Photo Credit: U.S. Navy National Museum of Naval Aviation / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

On June 16, 1953, Marine Corps pilots Major George H. Linnemeier and CWO Vernon S. Kramer shot down a Soviet-built Polikarpov Po-2 biplane, making it the only documented Skyraider victory of the Korean War. During the entirety of the war, AD Skyraiders were only flown by U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps pilots.

Unfortunately, there were more losses than victories when it came to the Skyraider’s role in Korea. By the end of the war, 128 AD Skyraider planes were lost – 101 in combat and 27 due to operational issues. The operational issues largely stemmed from the overwhelming power of the aircraft, which were prone to accidents when performing landings on aircraft carriers.

By accidentally using too much throttle, an AD pilot could easily over-rotate the propeller and enter a fatal “torque roll” that plummeted them into the sea.

The Skyraider thrived during the Vietnam War

U.S. Air Force Skyraiders were later assigned to the 1st Air Commando Squadron in Vietnam in 1964. These aircraft were modified from the older versions used in Korea to help support search and rescue missions. Supporting special operations along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Skyraiders aided ground forces by spraying defoliant or aiding in the extraction of troops from enemy territories.

A Skyraider and Sikorsky CH-3C helicopter mid-flight during a rescue mission
View of a Douglas A-1E Skyraider attack plane as it escorts a Sikorsky CH-3C rescue helicopter, Vietnam, 1966. (Photo Credit: PhotoQuest / Getty Images)

The most famous squadron of Skyraiders, under the call sign “Sandy,” supported search and rescue missions by air. The A-1’s ability to fly low and slow was perfect for locating missing persons over a longer period of time without needing to refuel, unlike other jet planes at the time. The Sandies held back enemy fire while helicopters went in to save downed personnel.

The immense firepower of the Skyraider was also a key asset during the Vietnam War. According to Boeing, the A-1 was the only aircraft of its time capable of delivering 8,000 pounds of bombs with impressive precision over difficult targets like dams and bridges.

By 1960, the United States began to transfer over some of its A-1 Skyraiders to the Republic of Vietnam Air Force (RVNAF). By 1968, the RVNAF had received over 150 Skyraiders. Potential Vietnamese pilots were sent to NAS Corpus Christi in Texas to receive flight training on the Skyraider, which was a primary aircraft used by the Vietnamese throughout the war.
A Douglas Skyraider being flown in the modern day for a demonstration
Douglas A-1 Skyraider (AD-4NA) in flight, owned by the Heritage Flight Museum. (Photo Credit: Clemens Vasters / Flickr / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 2.0)

When the United States ended its direct involvement with Vietnam, all remaining Skyraiders were handed over to the RVNAF by 1973. By this point, many RVNAF pilots were better trained to fly the A-1 Skyraider, clocking in thousands of flight hours over the course of the war.

Is the Skyraider still the best?

The United Kingdom, France, and Sweden have also acquired Douglas A-1 Skyraiders. The United Kingdom retired the aircraft in 1962, while it remained in limited French and Swedish service until the 1970s.

Even though the lifespan of the Douglas A-1 Skyraider was relatively short-lived, it is still remembered as one of the best aircraft ever made. Former U.S. Marine Corps Captain William C. Smith told HistoryNet he wasn’t impressed when he first laid eyes on the AD Skyraider. “After flying Corsairs, I thought it looked like a great big airplane with a little bitty engine,” he said.
A Skyraider painted in the RVNAF colors, used during the Vietnam War
An AE-1 Skyraider in the RVNAF colors. (Photo Credit: Airwolfhound / Flickr / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0)

It wasn’t until Smith was given a four-hour introduction to the Skyraider before entering combat in the Korean War that he realized its potential: “My original opinion of the plane did a complete 180,” Smith said.

“When you fly combat, you need to have confidence in your airplane, and after that first week there was no question in my mind that our ADs were the best planes in the world for the job expected of us,” he added. “Even after all these years of progress, I believe the AD is still the best airplane ever made for close-in attack option…better, in fact, than anything flying today.”

FICON Project: When the US Air Force Practiced Hooking Smaller Aircraft Under Large Bombers

As a result of the majority of the world’s powers participating in the Second World War, there were near-constant advancements in weapons technology. When the conflict came to an end and the Cold War reared its head, there was a continued need for this kind of development. In an attempt to one-up the Soviet Union, the United States launched the Fighter Conveyor (FICON) Project.

Bombers were too big for reconnaissance missions

Boeing B-29 Superfortress in flight
In the post-war period, Boeing B-29 Superfortresses were converted into spy aircraft. (Photo Credit: Department of Defense / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The primary difference between the Cold War and the Second World War was that the former was more about reconnaissance than actual battles. The US was flush with large bombers that played prominent roles during WWII, and the decision was made to refit them for different duties.

Boeing B-29 Superfortresses were modified to serve as photographic reconnaissance platforms. There was a benefit to this, as the bombers had tremendous range and could hold very large cameras. The Convair B-36 Peacemaker was also used for spy missions, as was the RB-36 variant.

In the early days, the RB-36 was an excellent option for reconnaissance. It could fly at altitudes jet fighters couldn’t, allowing it to easily fly above other countries. The strategic bomber could also maneuver more successfully than Russian fighters.

The need for a new idea

Two Republic EF-84D Thunderjets attached to the wings of a Boeing EB-29A Superfortress in flight
Project Tip-Tow saw two Republic EF-84D Thunderjets attached to the wings of a modified Boeing ETB-29A Superfortress. (Photo Credit: US Air Force / USAF Aeronautical Systems Center History Office / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The advantages of the RB-36 Peacemaker didn’t last forever. Like America, the Soviet Union was regularly improving its aircraft, and by the early to mid 1950s had developed interceptor jets that could reach higher altitudes and maneuver just as well as American aircraft.

Multiple ideas were formulated to improve reconnaissance aircraft. One, dubbed Project Tip-Tow, arose following a 1940s test flight featuring a Douglas C-47A Skytrain and a Culver Q-14B Cadet that were attached together. Project Tip-Tow used a modified ETB-29A Superfortress with two Republic EF-84Ds attached to its wings. The idea was that the bomber could turn off its engines and rely on the fuel of the smaller fighter-bombers, thus increasing its range.

The project saw reasonable success, but the US military continued to work on other ideas. This included the much-later Project Tom-Tom, which saw two FF-84Fs attached to the wings of a JRB-36F. Similar to Project Tow-Tow and Tom-Tom’s predecessor, the Fighter Conveyor (FICON) Project, this saw some success, but the decision was ultimately made to not move forward with it, after it was agreed the concept posed too much of a risk to pilots.

Fighter Conveyor (FICON) Project

Republic RF-84K Thunderflash parked on the tarmac
The Republic RF-84K Thunderflash was used as part of the Fighter Conveyor (FICON) Project. (Photo Credit: United States Air Force / History and Units of the United States Air Forces In Europe / GHJ Scharringa, European Aviation Historical Society / United States National Archives / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

In the early 1950s, the US Air Force came up with the FICON Project. In practice, the larger B-36 Peacemaker would transport the smaller F-84 Thunderjet that by itself might not have enough range to reach its target. Once in the vicinity of the target, the F-84 would drop its payload, a nuclear bomb, before returning to the B-36 and transported back to base.

The smaller aircraft were placed in the bomb bay

Convair GRB-36 launching a Republic YRF-84F Thunderstreak from a trapeze mid-flight
Under the FICON Project, a smaller aircraft was attached to a larger one and launched via a trapeze. (Photo Credit: U.S. Air Force / National Museum of the U.S. Air Force / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Under the FICON Project, the Air Force created a trapeze system. An F-84E Thunderjet was outfitted with a retractable hook in front of the cockpit, which allowed it to be attached to an GRB-36 Peacemaker. The cockpit, the fuselage spine and the tail fin would sit inside of the larger bomber, while the rest would be positioned underneath. This increased the GRB-36’s drag and reduced its range, but meant the F-84E’s pilot could leave his aircraft while it was attached.

The Air Force conducted a number of tests with this in the early 1950s, with the idea being that the superior flying ability of the F-84 would allow it to work through heavily defended targets to drop its payload. The jets with the hook system were later replaced by the faster Republic F-84F Thunderstreak and, later, the RF-84K Thunderflash, thus changing the FICON Project’s focus from attack to tactical reconnaissance.

Legacy of the US Air Force’s FICON Project

Republic RF-84K Thunderflash on display
The Republic RF-84K Thunderflash was intended to maneuver through enemy lines to drop its payload. (Photo Credit: USAF / National Museum of the U.S. Air Force / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The FICON Project saw limited service with the Strategic Air Command from 1955-56. Tests showed the idea behind the system was tactically sound and worked, in theory. However, it wasn’t perfect. Simple things like adverse weather systems could make the practice unreliable, and the RF-84K Thunderflashes greatly reduced the GBR-36D Peacemaker’s ground clearance.

Re-hooking the RF-84Ks back to the larger bombers also proved incredibly difficult, even for the most experienced of pilots. The FICON Project was eventually cancelled in 1956 due to these issues, as well as the B-36 being made obsolete. The introduction of the Lockheed U-2 Dragon Lady also played a part.
The last flight occurred in April of that year. While the majority of the RF-84Ks were scrapped, some conducted reconnaissance missions with the hook apparatus still attached. Today, only three remain and can be seen at the Wings Over the Rockies Airspace Museum in Denver, Colorado; the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; and the Planes of Fame “static lot” in Chino, California.

Macchi C.202 Folgore: The Italian Aircraft That Impressed the Allies AircraftMilitary Vehicles

When World War II broke out, countries wanted their troops to have the best equipment possible. However, this was made difficult by a variety of factors: manufacturing time, scarcity of materials and the inability to properly test prototypes. The Italian Macchi C.202 Folgore experienced a number of these issues. Despite that, it became one of the true workhorses of the conflict.

Origins of the Macchi C.202 Folgore

Macchi C.202 Folgore parked on the runway
Production on the Macchi C.202 Folgore began in the late 1930s. (Photo Credit: U.S. Air Force / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

In the 1930s, the Italian military instructed aircraft manufacturers to develop new models with radial engines. Over the course of the decade, this style became obsolete and had difficulty powering the aircraft of the day. However, since they had been instructed to focus on this one type of engine, the country’s manufacturers had failed to develop more powerful ones.

Toward the end of 1939, Alfa Romeo was tasked with producing an engine for Macchi Aeronautica. The latter company grew tired of waiting for the parts and decided to order a single DB 601Aa engine from the German company, Daimler Benz. This led Macchi’s chief of design Mario Castoldi to pair the engine and a new fuselage with the body of a C.200.

The Macchi C.202 Folgore rapidly went into production

Macchi C.202 Folgore in flight
Pilots raved about the Macchi C.202 Folgore‘s high rate of speed and solid construction. (Photo Credit: San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Italy entered the Second World War in the summer of 1940. There was now a much faster push to get aircraft in the air. Testing on the Macchi C.202 Folgore began that August. The prototypes soon found themselves in the town of Guidonia, where they were flown by the country’s top test pilots, who raved about the aircraft both for its incredible speed and solid construction.

While there was significant excitement about the C.202, its construction was no easy feat. It had been designed in a way that made mass production incredibly difficult. Some of these problems were solved by transferring production to Società Italiana Ernesto Breda, a Milan-based manufacturer, but production was still constrained by the limited number of engines available.

Taking to the sky during the Siege of Malta

Two Macchi C.202 Folgores in flight
During the Siege of Malta, the Macchi C.202 Folgore proved to be superior to the aircraft flown by the British. (Photo Credit: Umeyou / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Macchi C.202 Folgore was different from past Italian aircraft, as it featured a German-made engine and a more streamlined fuselage. It was known among pilots for being very well-made. The only complaints were that it wasn’t as well armed as other aircraft and that the 12.7 mm Breda-SAFAT machine guns and ammunition storage made it too heavy. Some also complained that its radios and oxygen systems were unreliable.

The C.202 first saw action during the Siege of Malta in September 1941, and soon proved to be superior to the Hawker Hurricanes flown by the British. Along with conducting fighter operations, the aircraft also performed aerial reconnaissance and ground attack runs. While the Allies were successful in Malta, the Italians had managed to inflict some damage. That being said, the lack of arms on the C.202 meant the aircraft hadn’t caused as much damage as originally hoped.

North Africa Campaign and deployment to the Eastern Front

Macchi C.202 Folgore prototype parked outside
Italian pilots were instructed to fly like those in the Luftwaffe during the fight for North Africa. (Photo Credit: fotografo ufficiale / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

In late November 1941, the Italians joined the Germans in North Africa to face off against several other countries. The pilots flying the Macchi C.202 Folgore were instructed to do so in a similar fashion to the Luftwaffe, which meant they had to attempt to destroy grounded enemy aircraft while also fighting opponents using “dive and zoom” tactics. One of their most successful flights was during the Battle of Bir Hakeim, where the Italians went up against pilots from the Desert Air Force (DAF).

The vast majority of the C.202s were sent back to defend Sicily and the Italian mainland in April 1942. Over the course of the next year and a half, the aircraft flew in a number of missions against the Allied forces, including Operation Harpoon, fighting Sea Hurricanes and, later, Supermarine Spitfires. They were also sent to the Eastern Front to launch attacks against the Red Army.
In September 1943, the Allies and Italy signed the Armistice of Cassibile, essentially ended the country’s role in the Second World War. With the conflict coming to an end, there was little need for the C.202 – and there weren’t all that many left. At the time the armistice was signed, Italy possessed 186 units, but only around 100 were operable.

Legacy of the Macchi C.202 Folgore

Macchi C.202 Folgore against a black backdrop
A surviving Macchi C.202 Folgore can be seen at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. (Photo Credit: Smithsonian Institution / Wikimedia Commons CC0 1.0)

The Macchi C.202 Folgore was given a second life as a trainer aircraft for Italian pilots and stayed in service until 1951. Outside of Italy, a number of other countries were in possession of it. The Luftwaffe had 12, while Croatia flew the aircraft in interceptor roles against Allied bombers.

A few models of the C.202 can still be seen in museums. One currently sits on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, while another can be found at the Italian Air Force Museum, near Bracciano.

Dream Chaser Spaceplane Could Transport US Military Troops to Space

The US military may soon be in possession of a new spacecraft capable of transporting troops to space and low Earth orbit within just three hours, following the signing of a research and development contract between the US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) and Sierra Space, the company behind the Dream Chaser spaceplane.

Dream Chaser parked on the runway at dusk
Photo Credit: Ken Ulbrich / NASA / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

The deal, which was announced on September 8, 2022, allows for Sierra Space and USTRANSCOM to develop and investigate industry capabilities for immediately employment. Using the Dream Chaser spaceplane, the aim is to move troops and supplies anywhere in the world in just a fraction of the time it would take traditional transportation.

Speaking about the contract, Sierra Space CEO Tom Vice said, “Today’s agreement with the United States Transportation Command gives Sierra Space the unique opportunity to provide hypersonic point-to-point solutions to our government customers.

Sierra Space has been developing the Dream Chaser for a number of years, basing its design on NASA‘s HL-20 Personnel Launch System spaceplane concept. After being acquired by Orbitec LLC in 2014, the company announced it would be veering away from its hybrid rocket engine design to a cluster of Orbitec’s Vortex engines, which use nitrous oxide and propane as propellants. The first drop test for the spaceplane occurred in 2017, with the official launch anticipated to happen in 2023.

“Designed for high reusability, this vehicle reduces overall cost, providing quick turnarounds between missions,” Sierra Space writes on its official website. “The ability to liftoff on top of multiple launch vehicles and land at a wide variety of runways makes Dream Chaser a flexible option for reliable transportation.”
Once operational, NASA plans to have the spaceplane complete at least seven cargo service missions to the International Space Station (ISS). With the addition of a robotic arm, it will also be able to boost satellites higher into orbit and draw them in for maintenance and repairs.
Pickup truck towing the Dream Chaser down the runway
Photo Credit: Ken Ulbrich / NASA / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Through use with the military, the aim is to support both combat missions and non-combat activities, including medical missions and humanitarian relief. Since the Dream Chaser’s development, both the US Air Force and USTRANSCOM have shown interest in the spacecraft, to supplement typical air, surface and land transportation methods.

According to an Air Force statement released in October 2020, the primary constraints that need to be addressed are volume, weight and restrictions when it comes to launch operations and recovery. However, if these issues can be overcome, the hope is a spaceplane will join the military’s fleet.
The statement reads, “As industry advances to overcome these challenges as well as increase its pace of launches to decrease costs, a space transportation capability to put a crucial cargo quickly on target at considerable distances makes it an attractive alternative.”
Lt. Col. Nirav Lad, principal investigator for Space Transportation Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, USTRANSCOM’s Strategic Plans, Policy, and Logistics Directorate, added that “the potential of space transportation to deliver Defense Department cargo anywhere in the world in an hour provides an additional option to complement USTRANSCOM’s strategic sealift and airlift capabilities.”
Artist's rendering of how the Dream Chaser would look parked beneath the International Space Station
Photo Credit: Sierra Nevada Space Systems / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
The US military has signed a number of agreements in 2022 to address its point-to-point transportation needs. This includes a $102 million contract with SpaceX for rocket deliveries of cargo and humanitarian equipment and another with Rocket Lab for use of its Electron booster.

Swiss Lawmakers Approve Controversial Purchase of F-35A Fighters

Lawmakers in Switzerland have voted to move forward with the controversial purchase of 36 Lockheed Martin F-35A Lighting IIs. The deal will go ahead without a referendum vote, which political opponents had called for under the country’s direct democracy system.

Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II in flight
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II. (Photo Credit: Master Sgt. Donald R. Allen / U.S. Air Force / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The lower house, better known as the National Council, is the one that gave the Swiss government the go-ahead to purchase the F-35As, following approval from the Council of States, the upper house that represents the country’s cantons. In June 2021, the decision was made to acquire the fighter aircraft from Lockheed Martin. Switzerland has until March 2023 to sign the contract.

The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is “the most lethal, survivable and connected fighter jet in the world,” and was developed as a replacement for the US Air Force’s aging fleet of Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcons. A number of countries have ordered the aircraft in recent months, including Canada, Finland and Belgium.

Overhead view of Switzerland's parliamentary members
Swiss Parliament. (Photo Credit: FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP / Getty Images)

The deal has angered many political opponents, particularly from the Socialist and Green parties, who argue Switzerland will become too dependent on the United States if the purchase goes through. Green Party parliamentarian Marionna Schlatter also told the media that the country doesn’t need aircraft that can carry nuclear bombs.

The majority of opponents, organized under the “Stop F-35” alliance, have dubbed the deal a “Ferrari” option, which should be voted upon under a referendum. However, despite presenting the 100,000 signatures necessary to launch one, the government has denied the request, saying the deal would expire before a vote could be organized.

Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II taxiing down the runway
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II. (Photo Credit: Ministerie van Defensie / US Air Force / Wikimedia Commons CC0 1.0)

In September 2020, Swiss voters narrowly approved the deal to replace the country’s F/A-18 Hornet fleet, with the vote receiving the support of 50.1 percent of those who participated. The American-built F-35A beat out Eurofighter‘s Typhoon and Dassault‘s Rafale, despite the latter lobbying for its aircraft to be chosen. This information was leaked in July 2022 to broadcaster SRF.

The first F-35As are scheduled to be delivered to Switzerland in 2025. The deal, which is slated to cost six billion Swiss francs, is the largest military purchase the country has ever made.


The Most Dangerous Aircraft to Ever Take to the Skies

Since the First World War, aircraft have been key to winning major skirmishes. Not only do they provide fire support from the air, they can also serve in reconnaissance roles. As the past century has shown, not all fighters, biplanes and jets are created equal, and the forces with the most advanced technology typically come out of battles victorious. The following list features eight of the most dangerous aircraft to ever take to the skies.

Fokker Eindecker

Fokker Eindecker coming in for a landing
The Fokker Eindecker dominated the skies in the early days of the First World War. (Photo Credit: ullstein bild / Getty Images)

The Fokker Eindecker was the first really dangerous aircraft to take to the skies. It came from the mind of Dutch engineer Anthony Fokker, who designed the monoplane with a Parabellum MG 14 that could easily take out enemy aircraft, thanks to the addition of the first-ever synchronization gear. This feature allowed the pilot to fire their machine gun without the bullets hitting the aircraft’s blades.

In 1915, German aviators dominated the skies, and the Eindecker was far more advanced than the aircraft flown against them. This period of dominance was later referred to by historians as the “Fokker Scourge.” It didn’t last long, however, as both the British and French had developed their own monoplanes, the Airco DH.2 and Nieuport 11, by 1916.

Boeing AH-64 Apache

Three Boeing AH-64 Apaches in flight
The Boeing AH-64 Apache has proven its worth in combat. (Photo Credit: FADEL SENNA / AFP / Getty Images)

The most dangerous aircraft aren’t necessarily jets or fighters. While helicopters were first introduced to ferry troops in combat, they’ve become more and more threatening over the years. The Boeing AH-64 Apache is arguably the most dangerous helicopter ever developed. Dubbed the “flying tank,” it was first deployed during Operation Just Cause, the American invasion of Panama. During this time, it primarily operated at night, flying attack missions over various targets.

The helicopter also saw use during the Gulf War, as well as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It features an M230A1 Hughes chain gun as its primary armament, with the ability to carry AGM-114 Hellfire II anti-armor missiles and Hydra-70 2.75-inch rockets. Boeing has even suggested the AH-64 could be equipped with a direct energy weapon, with the first successful test occurring in 2017.

Sukhoi Su-33

Sukhoi Su-33 in flight
While the aircraft contained significant firepower, only 24 Sukhoi Su-33s were ever produced. (Photo Credit: Dmitry Terekhov / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Sukhoi Su-33 was built to be an improvement on the already formidable Su-27, and it was geared toward naval operations. It features folding wings, upgraded engines and a strengthened undercarriage, and it can also be refueled midair.

While officially introduced into service in 1998, the Su-33 was actually first used in military operations three years earlier while aboard the Admiral Kuznetsov in the Mediterranean Sea. The fighter jet was used in Russia’s military intervention in Syria in 2015. Due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the downsizing of the Russian Navy, only 24 were ever produced.

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 in flight
Despite being out of production since 1985, the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 remains in service. (Photo Credit: Gojanovic123456789 / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 experienced its first flight in 1955. The supersonic fighter and interceptor has become an absolute workhorse during its decades in the sky, being flown by around 60 countries, rightfully earning its place as one of the most dangerous aircraft of all time. It’s also earned a number of accolades, including the most-produced combat aircraft since the Korean War and the most-produced supersonic jet in aviation history, with nearly 11,500 made.

The Soviet-produced MiG-21 has been flown throughout a number of major conflicts, including the Vietnam War, the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War and the Kargil War, with many drawn to its simple design, particularly when it comes to its controls and avionics. While no MiG 21s were produced after 1985, the aircraft remains in service today in some countries.

Supermarine Spitfire

Supermarine Spitfire in flight
The Supermarine Spitfire is remembered for being one of the finest aircraft of its day. (Photo Credit: Airwolfhound / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 2.0)

British designers began working on the single-seater Supermarine Spitfire in 1928, with the aircraft making its first flight eight years later. The Spitfire was pressed into service almost immediately when the Second World War broke out, serving the Royal Air Force (RAF) and other Allied countries.

The Spitfire acquitted itself terrifically against the skilled pilots of the German Luftwaffe, particularly during the Battle of Britain when the fighter was tasked with taking on Messerschmitt Bf 109s. It also served as an effective photo-reconnaissance aircraft, and is credited with taking the photographs that confirmed the development of the German V-1 and V-2 rockets.

Given its stature, the Spitfire remained in production until 1948. While over 20,000 were manufactured, it’s estimated that just 60 remain airworthy. The fighter is remembered by aviation enthusiasts as one of the most impressive aircraft of its day – and one of the most dangerous.

Shenyang J-16

Shenyang J-16 in flight
China’s Shenyang J-16 is sleek, modern and dangerous. (Photo Credit: Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of China / Wikimedia Commons / Attribution)

The Shenyang J-16 fighter was based on the J-11BS, which itself was based on the Sukhoi Su-27. The Chinese government had purchased a number of the Soviet aircraft in the 1990s and wanted to develop something similar. In service since 2015, the jet was designed for modern warfare, with a lighter weight and radar-absorbent paint.

The J-16 also has an electronic warfare version, which features external warfare pods and internal jamming equipment. Solely flown by the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, the multirole strike fighter is primarily used to protect Chinese airspace.

Boeing B-29 Superfortress

Boeing B-29 Superfortress in flight
The Boeing B-29 Superfortress dropped the atomic bombs on Hiorshima and Nagasaki during World War II. (Photo Credit: Lauren A. Little / MediaNews Group / Reading Eagle / Getty Images)

The B-29 Superfortress was first developed by Boeing in the early 1940s, having been fast-tracked for use during World War II. The massive bomber was built to drop bombs, but also excelled at low-altitude incendiary bombing. There were initially issues with the aircraft’s engines catching fire, but those were eventually resolved, allowing the B-29 to enter service in time.

The bomber earned its status as one of history’s most dangerous aircraft in August 1945, when the Enola Gay and Bockscar dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bomber remained in service throughout the Korean War, and was retired in 1960. Only 26 remain today, with just two being considered airworthy.

Lockheed AC-130

Lockheed AC-130 in flight
The Lockheed AC-130 took out over 10,000 trucks during the Vietnam War. (Photo Credit: US Air Force / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Closing out our list of most dangerous aircraft is the AC-130, the ground-attack variant of the Lockheed C-130 Hercules. It was created in a partnership between Boeing and Lockheed, with the latter constructing the airframe and the former turning it into a gunship.

The AC-130 did the majority of its damage during the Vietnam War. Concentrating on taking out ground targets, it’s estimated the gunship destroyed over 10,000 trucks during the conflict. It also participated in a number of close-air-support missions. There have been a number of models developed over time, with the last, the AC-130U Spooky, being retired in 2019.

The Douglas SBD Dauntless Changed the Course of the Second World War In a Single Day

Throughout the course of the Second World War, the US Navy and Marine Corps flew the Douglas SBD Dauntless, a naval scout aircraft and dive bomber. While relatively slow, compared to other aircraft flown by the Allied forces, it was incredibly effective, with its prowess best shown through its success during the Battle of Midway.

Development of the Douglas SBD Dauntless

The design of the Douglas SBD Dauntless was rooted in the earlier Northrop BT. The company was eventually taken over by the Douglas Aircraft Corporation, who began construction of the SBD. After modifications were made, including the addition of the Wright R-1820 Cyclone engine, the dive bomber was put into production and entered service in mid-1939.

Factory workers constructing Wright Cyclone engines
Factory workers building Wright Cyclone engines at the Douglas Aircraft Corporation plant in El Segundo, California, 1943. (Photo Credit: CORBIS / Getty Images)

There were many variations of the SBD created by Douglas, including the -1 and -2, which were delivered to the Marine Corps and Navy, respectively. It was rather unusual for an aircraft designed to operate from an aircraft carrier, as it didn’t have folding wings. This was because the designers at Douglas wanted it to have more structural integrity.

The aircraft’s design was improved upon throughout World War II

Despite proving to be a popular dive bomber, modifications were made to the SBD Dauntless as early as 1941. The SBD-3 featured improved armor, fuel tanks and machine guns, while the -4 saw improvements made to the aircraft’s electrical system. On top of this, a few of them were converted for use in reconnaissance missions, and the SBD-5 featured a more powerful engine and an increased ammunition supply.

The last variant to be produced was the SBD-6, which saw similar improvements. While both the Navy and Marine Corps used these common types of the SBD, the US Army Air Forces adapted the dive bomber for their own use, dubbing it the Douglas A-24 Banshee.
Two ordnancemen handing belted cartridges to another sitting atop a Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless
Ordnancemen loading belted cartridges into a Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless, 1942. (Photo Credit: US Navy / Interim Archives / Getty Images)

The SBD, in general, was well-liked by pilots, as it was relatively easy to handle, was effectively armed and held its own against enemy fighter aircraft. It was equipped with two .5-inch forward-firing synchronized Browning M2s, two .3-inch flexible-mounted Browning M1919s in the rear and 1,020 kg of bombs.

The Douglas SBD Dauntless made waves at the Battle of Midway

What the SBD Dauntless is best known for is its actions during the Battle of Midway. Throughout the battle, pilots flying the dive bombers delivered targeted attacks that greatly damaged the Japanese aircraft carriers positioned in the area.

Nine Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers in flight
Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers flying in formation, 1940s. (Photo Credit: PhotoQuest / Getty Images)

Between June 4-7, 1942, the Imperial Japanese Navy launched an attack against US naval forces near Midway Atoll, with the intention of causing some serious damage. Thanks to the work of cryptographers, however, the Americans were able to predict exactly when and where the attack would occur, allowing them to inflict a forceful blow, instead of taking unexpected damage.

A number of SBD squadrons flown by naval aviators were launched on the first day, disabling the carriers Akagi, Kaga and Sōryū in only six minutes.

An alternative outcome

The fourth Japanese aircraft carrier, Hiryū, only survived a short while longer, being sunk later the same day. Losing one ship, perhaps even two, would have been difficult for the Japanese, but to lose four was disastrous. The attacks launched by the SBD Dauntless squadrons made it difficult for them to continue, and they ended up withdrawing their forces.

Douglas SBD Dauntless landing on the flight deck of the USS Ranger (CV-4)
Douglas SBD Dauntless landing on the flight deck of the USS Ranger (CV-4), 1942. (Photo Credit: PhotoQuest / Getty Images)

The role of the SBDs during the Battle of Midway cannot be overstated. Taking out every Japanese carrier involved in the attack played a pivotal role in securing an American victory. While the Japanese had heavy cruisers with them, they lost their ability to launch their aircraft directly into battle.

In fact, the SBDs were so important that, following the battle, the dive bombers earned the nickname, “Slow But Deadly,” a play on their initials.

Continued use of the Douglas SBD Dauntless

While the SBD Dauntless is generally considered to be one of the most important aircraft flown in the Pacific Theater, it saw use in other aspects of the Second World War. Along with seeing action during the Guadalcanal Campaign and the Battle of the Philippine Sea, the dive bombers were also flown during the Allied landings in North Africa and targeted attacks on German ships throughout Operation Leader.

Crewmen securing a Douglas SBD Dauntless onboard the USS Yorktown (CV-5)
Crewmen onboard the USS Yorktown (CV-5) securing Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers after a raid over Japanese-held islands, 1943. (Photo Credit: CORBIS / Getty Images)
As the war came to a close, the SBD was transitioned out, in favor of the Curtiss SB2C Helldiver, despite the fact pilots preferred the trusted aircraft. They viewed the SB2C as a “Big-Tailed Beast,” which didn’t produce the same finesse as the SBD. Other countries in possession of the dive bomber continued to fly it sparingly. By the time it was officially retired, it had left behind a memorable legacy.

Three Aircraft Defended Malta from the Entire Italian Air Force

When Italy joined the Second World War, the island of Malta found itself immediately under attack. The only defenses available were three Gloster Sea Gladiators that were expected to go up against the entire Italian Air Force – and they did! They, surprisingly, held their own and gave hope to the Maltese people.

Original plans for Malta

Winston Churchill walking with many people in Malta
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill walks through the dockyard area of Malta during World War II, circa 1945. With him is John Vereker, Field Marshal Lord Gort, Governor of Malta. (Photo Credit: Chris Ware / Keystone / Hulton Archive / Getty Images)

When the Second World War began, Britain was in possession of the Mediterranean island of Malta. Its location was of much importance, not just during the war but in general, as it was an important linking post for Gibraltar and the Suez Canal. Malta’s location was also dangerous, as it was the last barrier between Sicily and the Italian colony of Libya in North Africa.

Before Italy joined the war, there were plans under consideration for the British government to gift Malta to the Italians as a way of bribing them from entering the conflict. Thankfully, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who once called the island an “unsinkable aircraft carrier,” stepped in to help put an end to the idea. This was a key decision, as Italy soon joined in favor of the Axis powers on June 10, 1940.

When Italy joined the war, Malta became a target

A man walks through the aftermath of bombing on a street
The ruins of Victory Street in Senglea, Malta, after axis air raids during World War II, 4th July 1942. (Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images)

Almost immediately after entering WWII, Italy targeted and began to bomb Malta. Starting from June 11th, the Italian Regia Aeronautica made multiple assaults on the island using their Macchi C.200 Saetta monoplane fighters and Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero bombers. The Italian Air Force was particularly focused on Valletta harbor, with the area eventually receiving some of the fiercest bombings in the history of the war.

Despite the importance of Malta to the British effort to hold onto the Suez Canal, there were virtually no British troops stationed on the island. When the Italians began bombing, Malta had almost no means of protecting itself. Help came in an unexpected form.

Gladiator biplanes were all that were available

A flying Gloster Gladiator
The Sea Gladiator, the Brockworth-based Gloster Aircraft Company’s single-seat deck flying fighter that saw service with the Fleet Air Arm. (Photo Credit: PA Images / Getty Images)

Air Commodore Foster Maynard was on the island at the time. He’d discovered multiple packing crates housing disassembled Gloster Gladiator biplanes dating back to 1934. They were left behind by a visiting aircraft carrier, and after receiving permission from the Royal Navy to use them, mechanics began to re-assemble three of them, leaving the rest for spare parts and backups.

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The Gladiator biplane had become almost obsolete by the outbreak of the war. These aircraft only had a maximum speed of about 257 miles per hour – significantly less than the Italian aircraft – but they were easy to learn how to fly, durable, and maneuverable. Of the six volunteer pilots, only one had ever flown a Gladiator before. After some extremely quick training, however, the unit became known as the RAF Station Fighter Flight.

Somewhere along the way, they earned their nicknames

Three Gloster Gladiators flying
Three Gloster Gladiator I aircraft of 87 Squadron RAF flying together in formation, circa 1938. (Photo Credit: Charles E. Brown / Royal Air Force Museum / Getty Images)

Over the course of the next 10 days, these six pilots engaged Italian fighter planes in the skies above Malta. The Gladiators were flown fearlessly and skillfully. In fact, Italian pilots were forced to begin flying more defensively, causing them to lose accuracy and drop their bombs off-target. Several Italian aircraft were shot down, with only one British plane taken out by the end of July.

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One of the pilots, Flight Lieutenant James Pickering, recalled several years later what it was like taking to the sky in one of these aircraft. “You would take off in a Gladiators with some of the few Hurricanes we had on the island and head up towards the Italians,” he explained. “Sometimes there would be a hundred plus—clouds of bombers and fighters swarming above. And then, in a moment, you would be on your own—everything else had overtaken you.”

It is unclear exactly how or when the three Gladiators earned their nicknames, but they offered the Maltese people exactly the sentiments they were named after – Hope, Faith, and Charity.

More aircraft eventually joined the effort in Malta

Aerial view of multiple aircraft types flying over Malta
German bombers Ju-88 Junkers bombarding the port of Valletta, Malta. At the top, a fight between Macchi MC-202 Italian “Folgore” and a English “Spitfire.” (Photo Credit: Roger Viollet Collection / Getty Images)

By the end of June, several Hawker Hurricane fighters and Supermarine Spitfires had been brought to Malta to help increase defenses against the Italians. However, they were not enough to fend them off alone, so the Gladiators continued to fight alongside the fighters. For almost two and a half years, the Germans and Italians continued to bomb Malta in the hopes of forcing the island into submission.

What they didn’t expect was the three Gladiators providing the Maltese people with something to have hope in. With that hope, the Maltese people were able to hold their own even against formidable odds.