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Ukrainian FPV drones knock out Russians from Avdiivka slagheap

Aviation UAV Ukraine War in Donbas War with Russia

For the first time manpower of the invaders was hit on the Avdiivka slagheap with the help of the General Chereshnya-7 drones.

Combat work was carried out by the operators of the 2nd Battalion of the 47th Mechanized Brigade.

The Russian invaders do not give up trying to capture the slagheap, a high point which is located near Avdiivka, Donetsk region.

This heigh point allows to take under fire control part of Avdiivka Coke Plant, which is located near Avdiivka.

This tarricone is, in fact, a waste slag from the plant. There are no natural shelters.

It is very difficult to place personnel there due to the fact that it is easy to detect and damage manpower on the slagheap.

Місце ураження росіян на авдіївському териконі

To prevent Russian forces from gaining a foothold there, the Ukrainian military began to use FPV drones against the Russian infantry.

In particular, General Chereshnya-7 drones are used, which are assembled in Zaporizhzhia by volunteers of the NGO “Laboratory of Defense Research.”

Volunteers assembled the drone frame from ready-made kits. Then the parts are fixed so that the drone does not disassemble itself. And after that, the drone goes to the soldering area, all electronics and all components are installed there.

Роботи над дронами "Генерал Черешня". Фото:

Volunteers say that the strike quadcopter of Zaporizhzhia production can fly a distance of more than 10 kilometers and carry ammunition weighing one and a half kilograms.

This drone costs 14 thousand hryvnias and is called “General Chereshnya” in honor of the same name military unit.

Співзасновник ГО “Лабораторія дослідження у сфері оборони” Рудольф Акопян з дроном "Генерал Черешня". Фото зі сторінки волонтера

Recall that recently, the Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC), fighting on the side of Ukraine, was involved in the assaults of Russian positions in the Avdiivka direction.

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